The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 27

We drove in total silence. I could hear my breath inside the car while Sasha stared straight ahead concentrating on the road ahead ignoring me fully. The silence was so annoying I could have screamed blue murder! I was that frustrated by the constant feeling Sasha felt I was nothing but a lying whore! When I was not. I don't think at the moment he'd believe me protesting how innocent I really was when I did not sleep around until the night with him.

Turning my head around I glanced out the window taking in the grassy hills and bright wild flowers covering those steep hills we drove past, or even the sheep and cattle grazing over in the fields we passed by. I bit my lip yet again not relishing this cold silent man beside me. I liked the charming, cocky and a little arrogant one when we first bumped into one another at a nightclub all due to Scarlett, at least he spoke to me when we first met.

Inside my head said talk to him start up a conversation with him Cookie. I protested inside my head I can't he hates me I snuck a little peek at his oh so hot manly profile and I felt my stomach tighten in recognition we did the humpy around 10 weeks ago making our unplanned baby inside me right now. I really did not intend to gaze at him for long but you know me always the lovesick fool. Sasha twisted his head catching my stare for a second, his lips twisted up sardonic for a second knowing I was a silly girl from the wrong side of the tracks who trapped him.

"Take a good look" he replied?

"Um what" I questioned feeling dopey?

"You keep staring at me" came his lazy reply?

"Oh do I" my tone drawled off in the distance?

"Yeah I know I'm a handsome guy but please keep those unlady like thoughts to yourself" said the arrogant man next to me with amusement lacing his tone.

"Unlady like thoughts to myself" I said fuming itching to slap his oh so hot face.

"I can hear those tiny little thoughts whirling inside your head Cookie' he turned his head towards me and stared with those mesmerizing blue eyes resembling the ocean.

Biting my lip I asked "are you a mind reader by any chance I questioned?"

He burst out laughing "No I am not a mind reader, I can do more than read minds" he joked or so I thought he was before turning his attention back on the road rather than the annoying mosquito, ME!

"When do we arrive at the Dr's Sasha" I asked nervous? Unsure how his families family dr will handle the news of me pregnant?

"Soon" were the only words he said to me. Sasha then turned back to his concentration on the road yet again. So all I could do was sit back and enjoy the ride. My insides twisted about what the Dr may do with tests ordered from the D'Allison family.  All I could do was pray I was safe?

About 10 minutes later we came to a wood cottage, still in the country side. Very quaint I said to myself staring at the pretty painted white old wooden cottage. I opened the door getting out slowly to stretch my sore legs. Being preggers was a bitch!  Sasha being an Alpha guy took hold of my arm in a casual grip leading me inside the old warm wood cottage. I heard Sasha call out a name rather than wait to be called this Dr's Centre was very different to the medical centres in the city where you waited for quite a while until you were called. This was informal and a male Dr came out to meet Sasha shaking his hand, a smile upon his middle aged face then he saw me standing awkwardly like a sore thumb.

"You must be the little lady Sasha told me about" coming over and he shook my hand smiling. "Come in both of you" he guided both Sasha and I inside his room where we sat down both Sasha and I looking very ill at ease.

The Dr sat down turning his computer on before he turned around asking me "Now Sasha told me you are pregnant?" The dr's eyes assessed me for something I knew not? I really wish I could find out the secret of the D'Allison family.

"Yeah" I muttered shy all of a sudden. I sat up straight lifting up my face towards the D'Allison family dr. He smiled at me sincere, asking me many questions about me and how I was feeling. I told him I still had morning sickness and quite alot of stress going on with studies etc. He listened very well to my questions to only peeking at Sasha once in a while.  After finishing with taking my blood pressure etc he asked  "Can you lie on the bed over there first and I'll feel your stomach" he said a charming smile upon his lined face.

"Okay" I smiled back shy following his orders.

Getting up. I lay down on the small bed, waiting for his hands to feel my belly still flat maybe from morning sickness?

His hands felt around pressing very gently even taking a stethoscope and placing it around my stomach to hear the baby's heart beat. After a while he let me get off the bed to sit next to a grim faced Sasha still not saying much. I swallowed scared when I saw how his face had hardened watching me move off the bed in the room. One question I wish I did ask is why didn't the dr use an ultrasound on my stomach?

"The news Dr" requested Sasha impatient?

"Good news Sasha she is pregnant beaming at both of us. If only he knew this pregnancy was unplanned by both of us. What will my parents say about this spanner in the works? After being a nerd for so long I was pregnant and single never in my wildest dreams did I see this happening.  Yes I judged all the popular kids this would happen to them. How wrong was I! My head was in the clouds not hearing or listening to what the dr was saying until Sasha nudged me. I heard the baby's heart beat and now Cookie I must do some blood work before you have an ultrasound" said the Dr.

I was really afraid of that. You see I was a chicken when it came to blood tests.  They made me feel queasy and dizzy. I gave the dr a grimace giving him my right arm and he put a tight band around my arm and told me to make a fist while he pressed gently on a few veins he may use.

I was feeling very woozy, just thinking where the sharp needle will go when he picked out 7 vials to drain the blood into!

7 vials I screamed wanting to run out the door in a tizz, only I sat with closed eyes gritting my teeth when I felt the needle prick my skin and I started to feel clammy all over.

"Relax" said Sasha sitting next to me said.

Relax, I argued his point in my head trying to ignore I had a needle stuck in a vein drawing my blood into long glass vials. I wonder what Sasha would do if he had to go through all this I seethed concentrating on my breathing so I do not pass out.

"Are we finished yet" I questioned a woozy feeling enveloping my body?

"Nearly" he said amused and I felt the click off of the arm band thingy from my arm after a minute. I sighed in relief soon the needle will be pulled out and I'll have a cute bandaid attached?

"Ready" I heard the Dr say when he pulled out the needle and I nodded pressing down with a finger when it was removed. I still had my eyes closed and I heard both men chuckle at my attitude to blood taken!

Sasha whispered near my ear "ready for the bandaid?"

If I had something hard, I'd have thrown it at him for mocking me. I really do hate blood tests. If only they could take the blood another way I may then not be so scared?

"Yes" I growled out "I am ready for a wiggles or whatever kids type bandaid you have?"

"Remove finger" I heard him say and I did eventually remove the finger. I was just a wimp. With the bandaid stuck where the blood test took place I slumped down in my chair feeling relaxed.

"The results will be back in a few days so call later on in the week and we shall talk about the baby okay?" "Though before you do go Sasha and Cookie please can you sign these blood vials he insisted?"

"Sure" I said taking a pen from his fingers, then I saw the vials full of my blood in a kidney shaped dish and I started to feel sick all of a sudden at the blood I did the next best thing.

I fainted out cold and Sasha caught me before I fell on the floor.


Who else hates blood taken?

Who else passed out when having a pregnancy test in the beginning?

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