The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 24

I took out my laptop placing it on the desk ready for the work to begin unsolved cases. I made sure I listened well to my teacher even though he had me worked out all wrong.

I heard Mr Wolf drone on the assignment must be either hard copy or email. Typing the date into my computer when I needed to send this through to him for marking I was halfway through this class and year I needed to push on.

Astrid also was in full concentration mode, busy typing on her computer to. At times I wish I wasn't Cookie Skye but another person who was smart to avoid people like Scarlett and Sasha. Part of me knew Scarlett was made my dorm room buddy for a reason right now I wish I could rewind my life to the very beginning.

The class took for ages to finish and I was ready to bolt when I heard Louis say Class dismissed for tomorrow. I packed the laptop in my bag ready to walk on to the library I must pass this class going through my head as I swung my bag over my shoulder ignoring everyone.

Astrid said her goodbyes before she departed in the other direction and I moved on being a good girl.

When I arrived at the library it was quiet as always a few boys and girls studying from other classes. I gave them a casual smile when they gave me a friendly smile as I entered the room. Finding a empty desk I sat down ready to do business.

I still hadn't called Nikkita I was in shock reading Sasha was engaged to someone else a girl of noble blood. What would Nikkita do if I rang out of the blue, a stranger she had only seen twice for a minute or two?

Blinking I shook the daze I felt and began typing away beginning my case.

A murder happened in Wolumla in 1928 a man was visiting a friends home when he was walking out he lit up a cigarette and was shot point blank in his face. He was alive for a few minutes dropping to his knees and that is how the friend found him. His wife heard the gun shots when eatting dinner with the children and her mother who lived with them. A male friend had gone to the post office around 6pm. The shooter shot the husband around 8.30pm.
This is what I have found out I type really fast on my laptop after going on Trove to find newspaper clippings.

Motives for shooting!

This man was a very popular good looking teacher he was a trifle arrogant with his wife in general at times and popular with the town of Bega.
A cleaner when cleaning the school had caught this man with one of his female students laughing inside the room. The door was locked and she told them if he did not open the door she would report him mucking around with his teenage student.

He unlocked the door.

He also was very friendly with a married woman from Bega whom he took to dances while his wife had a male friend to take her and the kids on outings.
This married womans husband I found out a few years later was annoyed and angry at this man taking out his wife to dances and told I assume he was going to "put a bullet in him"

Once the man was shot the town clammed up because the killer or killers were well known town folk and all the people knew who murdered him they just never told the police.

However the police suspected the wife and her male friend but reading the newspaper clipping I have ruled them both out they are not the murderer.

One point I have thought about is 1) How did the shooter know this male would be at this persons house at this time?

2) The shooter must have been well know to the murdered male teacher.

3) Was he shot because of a woman?

The suspect I have are two the teenage girl whom he was mucking around with. Did she become pregnant?, Were her family in uproar?

2) The married woman from Bega, her husband was on the war path and wanted to shot him. But was it him? Or did the male teacher put a stop and told the woman he was giving his marriage another try?

I sat figuring out which two really did have the nerve to shoot the teacher dead?

My mind was jumbled up and I saved the research I found into a file. Closing the laptop I pushed it into a bag making my way outside for some fresh air.

Finding a vacant seat I pulled the phone from my pocket closing my eyes saying a prayer as I pressed those numbers pressing the green phone button.

I was so nervous hearing the dial tone and waited for someone to answer.

A female voice answered but not Nikkita and I found my voice "can I speak to Nikkita please?"

"Is she expecting a call from you" said the cheery female on the other end?

"No" I told the other person.

"May I know your name please" said the female on the other end?

"Cookie" I answered.

"I'll be a minute, please hold on" said the voice.

I waited until Nikkita answered with her rather cheeky tone.

"Cookie the girl who runs away from my sexy bro, what brings you to call me?"

"I need to speak with you concerning a very important matter" I said a little breathless?

"What is the important matter, he didn't get you pregnant did he" gurgled her tone on the other end?

I was shell shocked and became tongue tied not knowing how to reply.
Hearing me go quiet, Nikkita burst into laughter "Sasha is in big trouble."

Feeling sick I asked again "can we talk about this?"

"How about I pick you up in an hour to a nice cafe" asked Nikkita?

"Okay I'll be waiting" I said.

Hanging up I put the phone back into my pocket breathing heavy I was so scared right now. Did I do the right thing? How would Sasha take this me talking to his glamorous sister?

Picking my body up I set about walking to my dorm to get ready to meet Nikkita again for the third time.

Opening and closing the door I took off the clothes I wore for a nice skirt and top. Pulling my hair up in a messy bun and slipped some sandals on I was ready when I heard a knock at the door.

Opening I saw Nikkita standing enjoying the discomfort I really felt.

"Are we ready" said her sing song tone to me?

"Yeah I am" I stepped out and closed tge door.

"Okay follow me" Nikkita said and walked off ahead of me.

I saw her car was a BMW not as sporty as Sasha' but a more laid back type car for her job. She unlocked the door with a button and I slid inside wondering where we were going.

"Buckle up" I heard her say before starting the car up driving away.

"What cafe are we going to again?"

"A change of plans sorry" Nikkita said.

"Where are we going?"

"Can't say it's a secret" she turned to face me smirking

I was not enjoying this I can tell you.

"Just tell me" I pushed for info?

Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel "I'll say this papa bear won't know what hit him" she squealed.

Oh no she didn't?


Sorry I took so long to post this chapter. I haven't been well but I am improving.

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