The Billionaire I fell for

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Chapter 29

Wow pinch me please. I thought going over and over by the story Lord D' Allison told me about his family and race. I became quiet for a long time until finally I found my voice again. "What is going to happen to me" I asked I a small voice? I lifted up my face knowing what Rebecca would do to a human like me, rip my beating bloody heart out of my chest by her heated glare smack on my face. Taking a quick glance at Sasha's mother beside Rebecca, I saw scorn upon her wrinkle free skin that I Cookie Skye was able to carry a part Lycan baby inside me retorted nastily "Can't we just send this little human off with money?" God now I felt sick to my stomach I maybe poor but not that hard up to take money to get by I had had enough!

I got up from the chair I had been sitting for so long my back had started to ache because I did not want to listen to any more put downs about my character by these people. Sasha had since put a crisp white shirt on with the buttons undone up top. He was so dashing and handsome pity he was a snobby prick as well I told myself watching him sit beside Rebecca on his right side. His mother had risen up a while ago to stand near a big window letting in perfect sunlight.

"Lord D'Allison", I spoke up clear and to the point "I will not stay here to be insulted by everyone in this family" I went on not giving a rats butt if I hurt them. "I may be poor shabbily dressed in Kmart clothing but that does not give you the right in looking down your nose at me. If you gave me a cheque for millions of dollar's I would decline. I would rather starve then accept your blood money. So if I may be so forward I'd simply like to leave you to it and go back to my dorm room" I said staring at Sasha's younger sister to help me out. His sister sat back watching us all argue around the room amused.

The Earl's second wife sat back and also watched on fascinated I stood up for myself with all these stuck up people. I saw a small smile hover over wife number two's lips when I gave them all a dressing down. No one not even the older D'Allison had introduced me to this woman I didn't even know her name only she had gotten pregnant and was once the Earl's mistress before she became the next countess. I saw the half siblings sit next to her two boy's and a little girl all of about 8 years old hiding her face.

I've always been a think before you leap person but today I didn't seeing a bunch of car key's on the table I strode on over seeing they were Sasha's car key's for his sexy black expensive car. I smirked when my hand reached for them on the table thinking this is not right but I was going along with this plan. After I grabbed the key's I heard Sasha growl at me to put them down only I did not listen I ran out in a sprint down the hall and out the door within minutes. I was so proud of myself as I pressed the button on his key unlocking the door. I saw his sister run over to me along with my bags shoving them in the back seat of the car.

"Cookie" she said hugging me "I have never seen my family so outraged in my life" her tone amused "now go before Sasha catches you" she let me go as I opened the door sliding in. At first I tried a couple of key's in the ignition until I found the right one. Then the car's engine roared into life when the right key was inserted into the ignition. Closing the door I knew Sasha would be after me if I did not drive away. Instinct told me drive away now! And I did just as Sasha came roaring out in anger. His body was different some how when I started to drive up the drive. His clothing fell off his body and I saw his eyes change colour. Pressing on the accelerator to go faster I flew through the gates with Sasha on my tail. I was thankful I had made it onto the main road in one piece. Sasha could rot for all I cared and have Rebecca for his wife!

This was my new start I knew I could not go back to my dorm room at all. I needed a fresh start away from the D'Allison family who would hunt me down due to the baby I carried inside me. Once I travelled to an area I could trade Sasha's car in for money and buy a another. First thing was draw my money out of my secret Account I had stuffing all the money into my bag. I was not going to touch my normal one at all. I opened the car door and slid in again starting up the engine and driving away to start my new journey.

I pulled into a car dealers shop wanting to trade in the black car I was driving. The guys eyes lit up when he saw the car was extremely rare and offered me a small hatch back car. A new one too!

I smiled my thanks after I did all the paper work etc to sign the car over and placed my suitcases in the back seat of the new car I now owned. Did I mention after I drove away from the D'Allison family home I had a new ID? Placed in my hand by Sasha's sister when we hugged.

I was a free woman as I sat inside the cute little car I now owned. I did the head and tails thing with the coin of where should I travel North, South, East, West? The coin came down and North won so I drove away wondering what life will bring me next?


This was a surprise. Cookie was meant to live with Sasha not run off. So this story is not finished yet I have a few secrets up my sleeve.

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