The Billionaire I fell for.

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Cookie before make over!

Chapter 2

Finishing high school with a 99 Atar shows what a nerd I was back then.

Flash back

I can remember when the letter arrived in the letterbox. I was so scared I had failed the one subject I wanted with all my heart and soul.


So I crept upstairs hearing the loud voices of my arguing parents. They should have been interested in what arrived in the mail but no only the alcohol they fought over.

So I sat near the Window sill rather shaky when my hands tore a little into the large A 4 envelope I held in my sweaty palms. Closing my eyes I tore the top of the envelope more taking in a breath I pulled the paper out of the envelope and stared for a long time at the score I received from working hard.

A 99 Atar nearly a perfect score but who was counting?

I didn't even go to my year 12 formal because I was to shy and poor to buy a dress.

High school life as I stated was horrid for me after the accident happened and we moved to this suburb still close by to all my old friends only they didn't seem to want to know me anymore because we were now poor of class rather than the middle class we once were.
The only way I could change was forget about the past and venture forward in life, dissing those former friends who teased me at every possible turn. I should have fought back but who was I kidding being bullied sucked but knowing you'd be leaving at the end proved to be a comfort so I let them think they were top dog.

I worked after school at a fast food joint for extra money. Working gave me the confidence to realise the dream I held inside was not hard to reach out if I tried really hard. Hungry Jacks flipping whoppers and frying french fries and onion rings gave me power to be me and not some fake made up princess. Yes I saw the ones who bullied me all through school sitting down eating while I grew up earning a wage to put myself through college. If they so much as caused trouble they were kicked out by the manager and I hid a slow smile when he did ban them from the place.

My parents couldn't afford to send me to a good college being unemployed would do that to anyone I was just going to be a fast food girl the rest of my life, slaving away behind the counter of a Hungry Jacks.

But I soldiered on my dream still alive!

My father had a work accident a few years ago so couldn't work any more. My father was once our pride and joy a builder and architect before he fell of a roof examining a new build being built.

He could walk after the fall but not for long his back and spine were damaged but

Centrelink wanted my poor father to find work saying he was not injured enough which I find laughable if you are wheelchair bound for half the year.

My mum was depressed all the time due to my father having an accident and started to drink heavily.

I hear you ask what about The compensation for my fathers injuries?

Yes, my father did get some but not enough for them to live until they died.

My parents went through the money like millionaires until nothing was left, then the fighting started because at times we had no food to eat and my mum had to look for a part time job.

Now we are here, I have to work to support myself, attending university was the high light of my 18 years of life and my family were not going to stop me achieving my dream.

My life starts now!

All I want is one BFF, which I never had growing up. I was a nerd, boring and ugly so the popular boys and girls often told me.

I still think I am though!

Did they once ask me why? or look beneath my clothes? No they didn't I was lonely for friendship but no body cared not even my slack parents when I tried talking to them night after night.

Mum brushed my attemps at telling her what was happening but poor mum was too tired from work and said tell me another time Cookie please I am dead off my feet. My father was no better slumping down in his wheel chair holding onto a beer bottle angry and drunk.

My legs trail up the stairs banging my door closed. Falling on my bed crying silent tears of what we once had. A fabulous life when I was younger all that changed when I was aged 12 by the accident.

I want to change badly lifting my tear streaked face, so one night I stared up at the night sky in my scarce bedroom, seeing a shooting star fall I make my one precious wish please send me a BFF and a new me?

My eyes close savouring the cool breeze across my face, until I hear my mother call my name.


So much for wishes I sigh going down stairs, I said "you called mum?" turning towards me my mother hugs me tight and grabbed hold of my face in her hands "remember Cookie you can do anything you put your mind too. We love you so much, I know we haven't been the best of parents seeing you work and study so hard baby."

My face shows how surprised I was when my mum hugged me tight. I didn't know what to do so I let my arms hang by my sides listening to my mum warble on.

"Baby your father and I want to give you something to help", I open my mouth to argue but my mother doesn't let me handing me a white envelope with a cheque inside my mum told me excited.

I stare at the envelope in shock mumbling "mum Wh...what...How" not knowing what to say to her?

My mum smiles back at my face "honey we spent our money, we didn't forget you. So we made a new account for you with interest a long time ago."

My breath hitched in my throat staring at the white envelope in my hands trembling.

"Happy 18th my love" my mum hugged me again. "well open the envelope Cookie" my mum said so I did tearing the envelope. Staring at the cheque for $100.000 my breath was knocked out of me snd I stood mute.

At least I can buy the books that I need for my courses and some more I told myself staring into my mothers eyes.

I was now going to accept the offer the University of Sydney sent to me now I could afford the Law degree in Arts(Media and Communication)

I want to be a Lawyer for the under privilege, they need a good leg up once in a while.

This is how Scarlett and I meet in our shared dorm rooms when I enter the college.

She was my dorm mate I found out to my delight and amazement a popular party girl whom I would never have talked with.

Scarlett came into college something out of a legally blond movie complete with small dog!

Here was plain old daggy me wearing a faded jumper and holy Jeans, my fly away hair pulled into a tight bun wearing nana glasses perched high on my nose.

Seeing me studying at a small desk in our dorm, she screamed and hugged me to her chest saying over and over You've been saved by me, your call has been heard, A make over you shall have patting me on the head sweetly.

Oh brother I heard my mind say.

This is my story after the make over!


Re edited put a little more about her parents.

Added more to this chapter

At first I didn't know what Cookie wanted to be so I left that part blank

Hope you enjoy my readers

Comment fan and vote please guys just a little comment! Lol

Sorry I've gone quiet all. I've haven't been well but this chappy is dedicated to @sandriadunagan
Thank you and sorry for taking so long. All votes and adds are really appreciated by me.

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