The Billionaire I Fell For

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Chapter 15

One week had gone by with still no Scarlett, I dragged myself to my law classes Louis was still my college teacher and I wanted to ask where Scarlett was?

But his demeanor told me not to bother asking after classes, so I held off asking him. I knew Louis did not like me at all when he started going out with my new found friend but I could do nothing.

Slowly carrying my heavy books to study, I had stopped my partying ways since I arrived back in my dorm a week ago. Not seeing Sophia, Eve or Portia all week eased my nerves as well, they were not close to me like Scarlett was. The partying was replaced by potato chips and a tub of chocolate ice cream I ate every day for a week to curb my depression.

How I hated to study when my frame of mind was in disarray, all because of one tiny little mistake, a night of heady passion with Sasha blew what ever chance I did have with the handsome billionaire out the window. At least no gossip was spread about the wild night of making out in his oent house suite I told myself sitting in front of the laptop staring into space. I do wish Scarlett had come back to our dorm I told myself repeatedly each day when I didn't hear her wild chatter.

I really needed to pull my finger out and study in hope one day I will follow my dreams to become the most successful Lawyer of all time. Lightly brushing my hair back I took back the control I was soon to be headed I type away on my Apple Macbook air about a long ago case back in the 1800's named Bradbury vrs Acres yes about a stepdaughter and wife and who should inherit the estate of William Bradbury's who died in 1836 Campbelltown in New South Wales. His daughter was Mary Bradbury who had since married and become a mother herself. Catherine Acres was his wife number 2 while his first wife was left back in England while William Bradbury was sent to the Australian colony as a Convict. So who should inherit his property, The wife Catherine, or Mary the daughter?
So after a very long time in researching the case I came up with Mary the daughter should inherit. 


William was sent to Australia as a Convict from England he had never divorced his first wife Mary's mother back home when he married Catherine Acres in 1836 at St Peters Anglican church in Campbelltown.  Mary the daughter in my view should receive all her father's good because her mother in England was very much alive.  Indeed William Bradbury commited a felony in marrying Catherine when he was really still married to wife number 1.

After typing for such a long time I sat back stretching my arms over my head hearing the bones crack in my body when I did. Slumping down I shoved the notes I wrote down in my backpack and turned the computer of snapping it closed. Shoving the laptop in the cover I took my leave rising from the chair I walked away glancing at other students when making my way outside the library.

So here I was walking down the hallway, a solitary figure wearing skinny jeans, a plain t-shirt and a black baggy jumper I clutched close to my body trying very hard to blend into the corridor. I stood next to the dorm door breathing heavily even a little shaky being alone now,  Unlocking my door with shaky fingers I came into contact with the one and only Scarlett.

Her long blond locks were covering her face maybe in hope not to glance my way. I stepped inside loud and clear when Scar did lift her head at me. She didn't yell or run over to where I stood uncomfortable still holding onto the doorknob.

Hello Scar I said a pain deep down in my chest.

No reply back tells me this won't be good!

I dropped my books on the floor causing a bang and we both jumped at the noise. "What are you doing" I moved on over taking a closer look, seeing my BFF gathering her stuff from our shared room. Scarlett sent me a pitying glance saying nothing. I stood like an idiot keeping the silence in our once happy dorm room.

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