The Billionaire I fell for.

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The chapter is dedicated to @Mamania93. I know I've been quiet on the chapter dedications but now I am starting again.

Chapter 3

College days!

Now my dream had come true I was here at the University of Sydney the oldest University in NSW smelling the roses. Where were all those who teased me all through high school?
Yeah thats right they were the ones flipping burgers at a fast food joint. So who had the last laugh?

I should have been studying, but oh no Scarlett had other ideas.

Her parents were holding a charity polo match for sick children in a few days time.

I was adamant at first saying "I can't, I really need to study Scarlett" I protested loud and clear.

Scarlett threw my books in the bin advancing where I sat "now you don't have to study."

I groaned not in relief I was a mega nerd still even here at college and I saw Scarlett narrow her eyes studying my daggy clothes with distaste.

"Study buddy" coos Scarlett always having to get her own way.

Dragging me over to her Scarlett made a decision "you need a make over Cook."

My new nickname by Scarlett filled me with joy at last I had a friend who didn't really care If I was smart or dowdy hiding away at the library or our dorm room. Only Scarlett wouldn't let me!

Studying me top to toe, "Mmm" putting a finger up touching her mouth undressing me I could see in her eyes.

"You know to catch a hot guy you need to be sexy cook" she explains to me like I'm two years old.

Shaking my head I said "no" strongly, I've seen make overs when I was in high school and let me tell you spray tans going wrong and burnt hair is not a trendy look.

"C'mon Cookie it'll be fun" pouting when i kept on saying "No."

"You're a party pooper" Scarlett pouts upset at my indifferent ways.

Scarlett flopped down on her bed I saw petulant sending me a childish expression.

Who was I kidding this is Scarlett the one and only whom I had read about in glossy magazines or in the party section and she was my roomy!

"Okay I'll give in" , I'm such a suck I comment back towards where Scarlett lay.

"Oh poo you suck already" retorts Scarlett excited about her new project me Cookie Skye!

When I finish with you she chattered overly confident about the make over, any guy will be drooling and his d**k will be poking out happy to see you.

I make a disgusting sound in my throat, I really don't care about a guys thing because I've never seen one Cookie answered back truly embarrassed about her lack of female wiles.

Scarlett laughs "OMG Cookie you are so outrageously funny" gushing like an idiot.

"Sighing yes I try to be entertaining for the wealthy round here" cookie says bored in her mind.

"So when do you want to begin this make over, I mention glancing at my roomys happy self?

Grabbing her hand her voice shrill "lets go shopping" they are out the door before you could say Valentino!

And I couldn't even afford Valentino!

Dragging an unhappy friend into the upmarket hairdresser shop named Hot Beauty, Scarlett tells him what is required for me her face I found full of concentration when she described some layering, bangs, hair dyed a golden blond with high light and low lights.

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