Opening 2!!

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Usagi is sitting in a fetal position against a wall and she looks up to the stars! 

You appear right in front of her and offer your hand. She smiles and obliges!! 

The title appears just as it happens.

You are walking throughout the Canterlot city streets, and soon enough you spot all of your girlfriends, your pets, and your three daughters right there with them!! They all give peace signs, kiss blows, or other signs of affection at you!! 

You guys are seen in a mysterious orb being watched by Jadeite, Tirek, Nephrite, Chrysalis, Sombra, Zoisite, and Kunzite. They all smile evilly, and behind them are the silhouettes of their assassins!! 

Juniper appears looking at a mysterious mirror to see what appears to be herself, but with an evil face, and a yellow blob around her. 

Starlight's image appears on the portal from Equestria and she changes from unicorn into human!!

You pull a cape out of nowhere, and transform into Tuxedo Mask, with your swords drawn for combat!!

Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, Chibiusa, Setsuna, Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru all proceed to transform into their Sailor Guardian attire. 

With Twilight displaying a magic sword, Sci-Twi creating a magic shield, and a lighting lance, Rainbow speeding right through, Sunset snapping her fingers to create a fire spark, Applejack punching the ground and holding a rope, Rarity creating a diamond mace, Pinkie taking a mallet out of her shirt, Fluttershy surrounded by squirrels, and other animals, Trixie showing off her magic, and the Dazzlings just screaming loud!! 

A giant Circus emerges from the sky, with the Amazoness Quartet appearing on top of the big Top. Inside are a whole bunch of evil performers and their leader Zirconia, with the mirror of Queen Nehelenia behind her. 

Usagi stumbles and falls, and you pick her up with a loving embrace!! All the non fighting members of the harem give a cheer!! With Spike, Dog Spike, Artemis, Loonie, Silver, Diamond, the CMC, and Diana jumping in the air!

You, Sailor Moon, Twilight, Rainbow, Sunset, Applejack, Sailor Mercury, Sci-Twi, Rarity, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Pinkie, Sailor Venus, Fluttershy, the Dazzlings, Sailor Chibi Moon, Trixie, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Saturn all do a pose on top of a bunch of columns!!

The Moon and the Night(Tuxedo Mask Male Reader x MLP EG and Sailor Moon Harem)Where stories live. Discover now