Spa Day with the Original Guardians!!/The Spa Girls join the Harem!!

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You are outside on the balcony, doing some stretches and jumping jacks!! 

(Y/N): Man I feel great today! Just fantastic!! Today is the day that I go out with Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako all at once!!

As you continue to work out and stretch, going to squats, and push ups, you are soon spotted by Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako!

(Y/N): WOAH!!

You fall over and nearly crash into the chairs!! 

Usagi: (Y/N) are you okay?!

Ami: You didn't hurt yourself did you? 

Makoto: Do you need a band-aid? 

Minako: Or some cream?!

Rei: I could do some spiritual healing if you want!

(Y/N): I appreciate it girls, but I'm fine thank you! 

You get up and dust yourself off. 

(Y/N): So, I was thinking that today, we could have a Spa Day, and then we can probably eat some ramen or something. I know that there is a ramen shop somewhere in the city. 

Usagi: That sounds like fun. 

Rei: (smirks) Just don't eat all the ramen in the city, or else you'll turn into a ramen bowl yourself. 

Usagi (mock laughter and sarcasm) Yeah, that's very funny Rei! 

Ami: Now now girls. We're all going to have some fun with (Y/N) today, so I say that we go out and enjoy ourselves!

Minako: I agree, going to a spa sounds really relaxing! I could get my nails done again today without having to transform. 

Makoto: Yeah, what Mina said. I also could use a nice back rub too. 

(Y/N): Then let's get ready!

You all prepare yourselves to head to the Canterlot Spa!! 

After some time of washing up, and applying soap, shampoo, and other various washing maneuvers, you guys are ready to go! 

You are now wearing a black jacket, a green shirt, black shorts, and black flip flops. You also have a bathing suit packed in your backpack, so that you can guys can take a dip in the hot tub!!

Usagi was wearing a pink shirt, white shorts, and pink sandals. 

Ami is wearing a blue and white stripped shirt, white shorts, with a Mercury symbol on it, and blue flip flops. 

Rei was wearing a white shirt, with a red mars symbol, and a red skirt too, she was also wearing red flip flops. 

Makoto wore a green shirt with a black Jupiter symbol, white pants, and green flip flops. 

Finally, Minako was wearing, a yellow shirt with an orange Venus symbol, some black shorts, and finally orange flip flops. 

Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako: We're ready to go (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Great!

You guys exit the apartment and soon enter the car, there you drive off to the Spa!

After a few minutes of talking and calming the girls down from busting a gut in excitement, you guys reach the Spa, which is titled "Aloe and Lotus's Health and Beauty Spa!!" 

(Y/N): Well then, it's time for us to get our rest and relaxation going!

Usagi: You said it!

You guys walk inside, and there you find the owners of this very Spa. 

The Moon and the Night(Tuxedo Mask Male Reader x MLP EG and Sailor Moon Harem)Where stories live. Discover now