Move on or i'll move you

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#He sat as a smile started showing in his face, as I hugged him tight. "  I kept my promise. " I whispered to him and myself while a smile started appearing on my face too. " I know darling, I know. "

-3rd person's p.o.v-

It's been almost an hour since father and daughter were together once again. Now they were sitting in a carriage that was bringing them back to the guild. It wasn't far but they were injured and needed to do as less movement as possible. Acnologia was explaining Lucy what happened before the whole fight. He was explaining how Luke, her infancy friend had betrayed her and made her go bad shit cray cray, while torturing her in a dark place. " So that's why I feel like I know that kind of places... " she said quietly to herself, earning the attention from everyone in there, which were: Juvia, Gray, Zeref, Wendy Stella and of course Acnologia. Stella wouldn't let Lucy alone with her 'father' once again, not after all he did to her. He wasn't even a good father anyways so why the hell does she always forgive him? She was frustrated, as she asked Lucy what she meant with " She knows that kind of places... " but just as they were about to hear the answer they reached the guild; Fairy Tail. Levy came out running as soon as the carriage stopped and rushed inside it to hug her old Best Friend Forever, sadly she didn't know what had happened to her and as she was being thrown back by her, her mind started creating every kind of explanations. 

" Do not touch me! " Lucy yelled at the top of her lungs. She looked like a germaphobe, avoiding contact at all causes. Levy was shocked. " What happened to you? " she asked while rubbing her back, and stading up. Lucy threw her over the asphalt after all. " I have Generalized Amnesia. " Lucy replied rudely, like it was the most obvious thing in the wolrd, while others looked amazed by her new personality. This wasnt the same Lucy they all knew and loved. This was coldhearted and rude, that was for sure but what else had changed? This question was in everyone's mind, but they didn't want to say it out loud because that would mean she wasnt herself anymore. That would meant they had lost her.

" Are you going to introduce yourself or what? " she asked coldly while getting out and stepping in the guild followed by Acnologia, Stella and everyone else. " Well look at that, bunny girl has changed...Now she's a mean bitch... I wonder what else has changed? " Gajeell said followed by a dry laugh. Everyone looked at him, perplexed. He said it.

Lucy turned to Zeref, the only person besides her father she trusted and started whispering something.It was barely hear-able, but that didn't meant Natsu, Stella and all the other Dragons/ Dragonslayers werent able to hear it: " Why don't we just get out and leave these fake friends of the old me rotting in here while we go and have some fun somewhere. You can show me the city... ". Zeref was blushing, but he turned her down " Lucy... I-I don't think that's a good idea. " He said while stuttering, her being so close and play full towards him was making him nervous but also turned him on, and she could see it as she used this for her advantage.

"Zeref. Am I right? " She  said smirking sexily looking deeper unto his black eyes. He looked at her, trying to control himself, to not start a make out session right then and there. She was enjoying this. " That would be me... " He tried to avoid eye contact at all cost, but it wasn't going as well as planned. She got him. " Well, Zeref what about us leaving these people and finding an hotel room... You were my boyfriend after all.. " She purred in a sexy tone in his ear, He wasn't going to resist for much longer , and everyone knew it.

" N-No," He tried to say firmly but dramatically failed as he sounded extremely nervous and made everyone around them look curiously as they couldn't understand what was making him like that.  " You look kinda nervous... Would you mind telling me why? " She acted dumb even though she perfectly knew.  " Well its because of you, but you already know it, don't you?... ."  he now answered as he stood closer to her face. " Maybe I do, maybe I don't... Who knows? "  she whispered flirty as she stepped even closer.

He had missed her so much. He loved her but so much had happened. This wasnt wrong. He was her boyfriend, he wasnt taking advantage of her, no señor. She wanted this and he was willing to give it to her. He had dreamed about her every single night since they met in her castle. He couldn't get her of his mind and now she was there, right infront of him. He needed her, her touch, her smell, her lips, her way of being herself, everything. He needed her urgently but now he had her and he was crawling back to her, just as she wanted him to be.

They were 2 inches apart, Lucy could feel his breathing and Zeref could feel hers. He was just about to loose it, and was about to start kissing her and doing who knows what else with her right then, simply letting his fellings controll him when Natsu suddenly pushed them apart while fake coughing. " Pay attention lovebirds, Master's gonna say something important...." he bitterly added.

" Don't ruin the fun, Pinky. " She said rancorously while turning around and looking towards her father, Makarov, Stella and the others.

" Listen up brats, as you might have already seen, our Lucy has lost her memories. She has Generalized amnesia and she's having extreme personalitiy changes. We're looking for a serum or some kind of cure to bring her memories back but until then I want to ask you to be patient with her, she's ill. she- " He was interrupted by no other than Lucy herself who found his speech a little too boring and decided it was fun for her to get into the conversation just like that.

" Listen up people, what the old man's saying is fake. I may have amnesia but that does not give you the right to treat me like a retarded person, if you don't like the new me, well bad for you. That's me now. Get it? If you think that talking to me like I'm a mental patient, will bring your beloved old Lucy back your totally wrong. She's gone. So get over it already, jeez... " 

Just as she finished everyone had their mouths hanging, no one had ever talked to them like that, especially Lucy. Lucy was caring and loving, even though she also had her disturbed side. She was mostly nice to everyone. " I'll bring  you back. " was everyone's thought as they continued talking like that nothing had happened. Just a " tsk " could be heard from Gajeell who was standing besides Levy while holding Ice against her back. He was starting to become annoyed by Lucy's knew attitude.


Short chapter I know but It's just a filler for you to see she's totally different...The real fun begins in the next chappy...





I'll write the 1rst chappy of the Ao No exorcist crossover right now,

Lots of love,

-Chiara (KillerGirl2404)

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