Forgot to rember part II

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#Minutes passed and Lucy could see that the 'thing' was getting closer by the second. But then, 3 mins later she could clearly see not what it was but who it was: Zeref.

-Lucy's p.o.v-

After something that felt like eternity, I was able to see what or better said who that was... It was no other than Zeref. I was about to scream for help, but then I looked carefully at his face and oh boy he had the most "I hate you don't ever, never talk to me again " face ever but at the same time it was so nonchalant and empty it scared. My eyes became watery as tears started forming in them. " I... I'm sorry, babe I trul..." He cut me off, but not by telling me to shut up or stuff like that, no. He threw a death orb towards me, and damn it hurt. I took it right ahead, well I couldn't go anywhere anyways... My body was trembling, my mouth spitting blood as my head tried to explain this to me. " Z- Ze * cough blood* ref, please let me..." and once again I wasn't able to finish my sentence as he came closer and kicked me in the guts. My body was bleak as I was thrown back as long as the chains aloud me, as they pressed against my wrist causing me to stop and fall, once again. My head was on the floor as he grabbed me by my hair and made me look into his neverending black eyes. I couldn't. It was too much for me to handle, so I closed my eyes as his hand passed against my injured face. " If you want to kill me, for something that I'm sorry about do it, but you gotta do it knowing that I love you and that I always will. "

I finished just when he was about punch me as he stopped for a sec, and I looked deep into his eyes. They where his, but he wasn't himself. Somethings off.

I looked at him once again but this time Zeref was no longer there. Natsu took his place instead. Now I was completely sure something was off. How could Zeref be suddenly replaced by Natsu?

I thought and thought but I got no response, It looked like the more I thought about it the more confused I became. Just as I fell something burning my arms I was brought back to reality. It was him. Natsu, the one who promised to take care of me, to look after me whenever I was feeling sick ,to protect me from all kinds of evil , was the one causing me pain. The ironic part? He already inflicted me a horrible amount of pain once. But this pain is different, this pain is physical not psychological like he did before. I actually thought he was able to change at once? What a fool I was. Little did I know that the ones who love you the most hurt you the most. Yeah I loved him and he told Mira he loved me but guess who was hurt afterwards.. Me. Exactly! Same goes with Zeref, I'm 99% sure he loved me, and well now I'm hurt.

Flames, Flames everywhere. Everything was burning as I kept on being beaten up by Natsu ."What is happening?" I asked my subconscious, not sure of what was going on right now. I guessed I was to deep in thought to feel the other attacks he did to me. " Weakling. " he called me. The exact same word he used as he kicked me of his team. " You are a burden to all of us" Erza's voice echhoed. " It would be better for everyone if you just die. " Gray announced. " We were and are never going to be your family " Master Makarov said. 'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! ' was one of the questions forming in my mind. " Bitch you were and will always be a replacement, always the second choise. " Lisanna was also there now, holding Natsu close to her body as he said " you are weak lucy, you need protection, without it you are nothing and you know why? Because you have no skills, none at all." then lightning reached my body ' Laxus ' I thought as I couldn't breathe. It seemed like the air was taken away from me as I heard her. Her usual sweet caring voice turned into one with hate and disgust, something I never thought possible in her but no, this proved me how wrong I was. " A being like you doesnt have the right to be in this world. It doesnt have the right to breath air and eat food, a being like you is the synonym of repulsiveness and dislike. You have, nor will you never have someone who trully cares about you. "

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