Pain to my nakamas

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Third person p.o.v

Wendy started falling but before she could hit the floor, Romeo was holding her in his strong arms. Then picked her up bridal style and took her to the infirmary so she could rest, because even though she blacked out she had minor injuries. Happy went flying like the wind to find Carla laying against the wall behind Master Makarov, who was asking the little female hurt exceed what happened. Before she was able to finish what she was saying a vision came through her mind. Master was getting impatience as he saw the female exceed looking at nothing stuttering words. Suddenly the whole guild became even more quiet that they were and everyone listened to the screams of the white exceed shouting "Lucy! don't do it, Lucy stop! " As tears began falling from her eyes. Everyone was confused and started talking about the celestial Mage who was now paralyzed from what she just heard, who was holding the fire dragon slayers in her lap. As he slowly began to wake up Carla suddenly stopped crying and screaming and was to her usual self, little did they now about what the prediction she has just witnessed told her about.

Now the blue exceed was standing next to her hugging her, so she could down. Without thinking she just slapped Happy and said: " you cat don't take advantage of the situation"

"Gomen Carla, I was just trying to support you" said the blue exceed blushing with a sad voice.

"Oh... G-gomen then Happy " answered she with a little touch of embarrass in her voice.

They were interrupted with Master Makarov's fake cough. He would have let them talk if it wasn't an emergency but sadly it was one, and she had to tell him what had just happened to her and the air-dragonslayer Wendy, so there was no time to spend with chit chat, he had to know the reason why they were injured and he had to know it now.

Carla p.o.v

I was talking with happy when master Makarov interrupted us with a cough.

I was so embarrassed, happy and me were about to kiss!! Maybe the others didn't know but I saw it in the blue exceed eyes he wanted it and I wasn't going to deny it, but know I feel so ashamed... Ugh what was I thinking!

"Anyway, you were going to tell me what happened to you and Wendy" said Makarov taking me back to reality, yes I was but it was so horrible I felt something through my spine as I began talking, my voice was still quiet and I took a lot of time breathing while talking when I finally said: " It- it ...was Sabertooth " "what!" every one jaws dropped when she said it. "It looks like they were under some kind of spell though, because they hurt us without saying any comments just looking in front of them... Their eyes were lifeless!! " she ended.

Lucy p.o.v

"We need to do something. We can't let our Nakamas be treaten like that, I won't aloud no one to hurt one of my sisters or brothers!!" that was Natsu's voice, he was standing with a death glare in his eyes. " For once, I agree with flamebrain " said Gray... Slowly I begin to see the whole guild standing and saying they agree, " I believe we need to fight, even when we don't know the reason, they hurted one of us!! " I shouted. When master shut us all up and said: " So we will".



Hey did you like it?

Why do you think they attacked them?

Will they win?

{I don't own fairy tail}

It's my first fanfic so Gomen if it isn't that good...

I know it was also short...


I will update next chapter ASAP...

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