Defending what's yours

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#" I aint easy to kill you know." he said with a sadistic face " Me neither. " She responded while charging against him once again. " Let's see who can stand longer then. " he replied while charging her way also.

*Boom* Elements. Light. Darkness. Everything collided as their fist crashed against each other as their were thrown in opposite directions. " Daddy is that a star falling from the sky? " asked a random boy somewhere in the world as they watched Lucy's body fall from the sky. " I guess so son, make a wish. " 

' Damn Old Pedo! You are going to pay for this! ' Lucy thought as she kept on falling from the sky, she was thrown back with such force and she was falling with such speed she couldn't even open her wings as her body was ignited on fire. She kept on falling and falling, feet after feet. She had already fell 1000 meters and she wasn't even mid way.

" Lucy! " Exclaimed Luke and Zeref from where they were fighting. " Dumb-ass! " They screamed at unison. " Okay I'm done with this shit. " said Zeref they exchanged some death glares. Everyone surrounding them sweat dropped. " ¿ Seriously, the almighty dark lord Zeref, Lucy's BF and Lucys Raptor fighting in a... STARING CONTEST ? " Asked Master turning into a giant as he kept on trying to get the chains off. The result was miserable as the chains kept attached to his body.

On the other hand Acnologia was thrown back with such strength he wasn't even able to move his black and blue dragon wings. Just as he kept on falling his scales started to glow as his body suddenly was ignited on fire as well. " You... Little Blond Fetus!  " He screamed as he crashed against the ground. " Just wait until I put my hands on you! " he whispered as he unsuccessfully tried to stand up from the ground.

-Lucy's P.o.v- 

' Ouch. It hurts. I think I have a few bones broken besides my hand. That old sinner that calls himself my ' father ' is going to pay. How dare he hurt me even while saying that it wasn't him who did it while I was their Hostage? He's such a bastard! I hate him. I will make him suffer now, but first I got to stand up... If only that would be possible without hurting so much... ' I though as I tried to stand. It wasn't until my third try that I was finally able to, but who cares? " I'm coming for you! " I screamed at the top of my lungs before Teleported where he had fallen. 

" So you survived that? Let me say I'm Impressed. " He said sarcastically. " Well let me impress you a little more... " I said as I tried to place my fist against his face. I succeeded, but as he spitted out some blood and something that looked like a fang he threw a concentration of black magic at me without even thinking. I jumped to my left side, only to be welcomed by his claws and as he was scratching half of my face I used my hands and nails to rip through his scales and cut into his flesh. I could feel my breath rising but I could also feel my left hand healing itself. I smirked. " Your.. Breathing is quite unsteady. " I mocked him as he let go of my face and he nail led his claws in my stomach. I could taste the blood that was falling from my mouth but I could also see the blood dripping from his. " I'm sorry for everything, darling "  He smiled as he started to cough blackish blood. " Shut up old man, Instead of trying to fit in in society why don´t you just accept that you are never going to be accepted by society, this whole " HEROE" thing does not fit you, and it will never, ever fit you. Just get over it! " She screamed as she dig her hands/ nails even deeper into his rips. I could feel his bones beside my hands as I preceded to heat things up a little bit.

turn the music now! 

My whole body was on fire and I could hear Alicia Keys singing " this girl is on fire" as I proceeded to burn his insides. I could feel the adrenaline rising inside of me with every agonizing sound he made. I dind't care about his claws in my gut, I was going to win this fight, even if it meant for me to die by doing it. However I wasn't planning on him doing what he did next, as he took his claws out my body and chanted some kind of spell which dragged me into a never ending darkness.

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