The big day

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- Lucy's p.o.v -

I awoke gasping for air, clutching my throat as if large hands had been tightly wrapped around it moments before. I couldn't recall the nightmare, but whatever it was about, it must have been horrible and intense since I was soaked in sweat from head to toe. I tried pulling off the chains to change my clothes into other ones that weren't wet from all the sweat but it was no veil. The chains held me high above the ground and the only thing I got from trying to take them off were more bruises where I could swear no more could appear. My hazel eyes shifted around the room Zeref had allowed me to keep.

No, scratch that, it wasn't my room. It was a jail. I was now a prisoner to my father, Acnologia, my so called boyfriend and Luke. I had no where to go and no one would worry about me. Not anymore. Not after what they had heard.

The roomed shined empty so my breathing started to slow down.

Yet still, I heard something moved.

It was a small and quiet sound, but it was enough to catch my full undivided attention. It was similar to the owl of an animal. Maybe even the blow of the wind. I would never know since all I could do was look around. The chains preventing every possible move I tried to do.

I followed the noise with my eyes into a dark corner of the dark pitch prison-cell. My eyes tried hard, yet they were not able to see anything unusual in the shadows but still, I could not feign I had not heard it because I had and I knew that there was something hiding in there. I could feel it.

" Today's the big day. " Zeref walked slowly towards me as he stepped out of the shadows, finally setting me free after several weeks of torture and isolation. " As if. " I replied while looking deep into his coal black eyes. " The big day will be the day in which everyone dies ". My body fell to the floor at the moment he let the chains loose. I had been tied up for to long and my body wasn't ready to support my weight. Our eyes met once again as he offered me his hand for me to stand up but I turned it down and stood up by myself, my legs trembling while my hands held the chains at my sides firmly.

Soon, he started walking away with me following him close from behind. He went straight into a room in which both Acnologia and Luke were sitting, drinking and talking to each other. Their deep voices echoed in the walls making my ears hurt. They had kept me totally isolated and my senses were completely off. " Took you long enough to decide " Acnologia joked while offering me a black cloak, the same the three of them were wearing.

Shortly after, Luke used his magic to teleport us away. Moon light flashed into my eyes leaving me blind for what felt like an hour until I got adapted to it. Once my senses were finally back to themselves, I looked around. We were on an almost typical forest. Why almost typical you might ask? Well it had something that made it stand out from the others, you see everything surrounding us was dead. The plants, the animals. Everything.

Fog was emerging, making the surroundings seem darker than they already were. Creatures seemed to be lurking all around us as the cold air started blowing stronger, originating odd sounds that would scare even the most adventurous people off.

" Let's get over the plan once again " Aconologia said, his lips moved in sync to his hands as she spoke " Zeref, you'll take the council and you'll erase those filthy humans for once and for all while Luke and I fight against the guilds that try to stop you. " His gaze was firm and cold, sticking out the passion and hatred deep inside his eyes. " Everything will be done as you- " He said pointing at me " chant the spell and do as I told you before ". I nodded. I would end this nightmare once and for all. We would create a whole new world in which we would suffer no more. The one thing I've ever wanted since I got most part of my memories back.

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