Rising ashes

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# "Sweetheart I will never let them take you again. " he promised as she answered " Don't worry about them because when I do see them again I'm not gonna have mercy, I'm actually going to make sure they die."

-3rd person's p.o.v-

 It was one hour before the ' big rescue ' everyone was there, making sure the plan goes just like accorded. Little did they know Lucy was Mentally disturbed. She had lived through hell these past 3 weeks and she was sure it was all their fault. So, as they accorded three people went forward; even though they all knew the plan by heart, Stella wanted to make sure they weren't missing anything.

- " So Natsu, Zeref and Sting are the ones to go, but guys don't forget we'll around checking on you. We wouldn't like them or him to ambush the three of you. We need to think about Lucy too, if he's planning on hurting her, you three need to stop him immediately you get me? but otherwise fighting only if it's necessary."   Said no other than the most known Tactician in the whole Fairy World and Guild. " We do not know what he/ they are planning so we can't risk ourselves." she continued.

- " What do you mean not risk ourselves, for god's sake's! Its Lucy who we are talking about! I would give up everything including my life to safe her."  Natsu interrupted, only to be insulted by Sting

- " Yeah you would risk everything except for your pride. Your stupid colossal ego is to big to let you see she had feelings for you once, but you fucked it up! So don't you dare say that! " 

- " Both of you shut it before I, personally kill both of your asses and mix your ashes and drink it in a Baka smoothie.  Lucy is my girlfriend and yeah, it's true she may had have something going on between her and Natsu but he was to dumb to realize it and now his chances are over and you Sting, don't you dare think I forgot the little chat we had after I knew how you kissed her in the infirmary even when she told you she had a boyfriend for god's sake's, who does that!? Now you two better shut the fuck up and listen will you? " 

and with that the whole guild went dead silence. Everyone was either shocked to hear Zeref talking again or for the fact that Sting kissed Lucy! Well also by the scene they had just witnessed, both of them shutting up without talking back or making stupid comments.

- " Well as I was saying you 3 rember that we are 4 groups watching you from the sourroundings 

group A- The one waiting at the North of the Lake is based on: 





Group B- at the South consists on:





Group C - at the West are:





At least but not last group D - at West are:





Everyone else is gonna stay here and watch and come to support if we need you.

It´s all planned now; Let's go! " she shouted at the end, as the guild-mates held their hands up in the sky making the FT symbol. " Please make sure you bring Lu-chan safe" said Levy as a tear fell from her eye. 

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