I'm losing?

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" Natsu stop its not what you think! " I said angry. Of all people it had to be him the one to realize I was dating Zeref. " Come behing me Lucy, you are not strong enough!" The stupid flamebrain shouted. This was enough. I tried to control myself but failed drastically, when my anger kicked in. " DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME WEAK" I said to him while a dark aura surrounded me. " But Luce, you.. " He was shut up by one of Zerefs death orbs. He avoided it for barely 4 cm. He was surprised by this and decided to attack. " Fire dragons roar! " He chanted. I was standing beside Zeref so I simply moved a bit to my left to stand in front of where he was standing and simply ate Natsu's roar. He stood there screaming at me, why I would defend him and such, he kept talking and talking... It annoyed me so much. " Celestial dragon roar" I chanted. The attack hit Natu leaving bruises and cuts all over his body. Let me explain this attack. I inhaled the air, and focused in transforming it in constellations inside my lungs, so when I breathed out, a beautiful looking show of dancing stars joined together to create a really powerful attack that if the enough amount of magic is given, then it could knock the opponent with one single attack.

Natsu looked at me with saddened eyes while he kept on accusing Zeref for possessing me or something. This was enough. Magic level, rise to 0,000000000000001% this was the same portent of magic I used to knock all of the members with one attack, but the difference is now, Im twice as strong as that. Zeref, who was standing behind me walked next to me and placed his hand on my shoulder while saying, with such a high amount of magic you could kill him Lucy! and remember this , you will regret it! he kept on talking and talking it looked like he wouldn't stop until he stopped, in fact everyone stopped. We were able to hear the whole Tenrou Team heading to where we were. I glanced at Natsu and shouted " all of this is your fault! Lets end this here and now. " He looked at me with fear and confusion covering his eyes. " But.. I thought I was going to fight Zeref! So I could be able to protect you like you always dream of!" he responded. " Oh there is no way you just say this after all you did to me. I hate you. You'll never be my knight in shining armor. Zeref is mine. Get over it already. " I then shouted :

" Me as the ruler of it all am asking for your strength to defeat my enemies. Living magic, create Konimono. " Quickly a 30 feat Devil was created in front of us. Soon we heard gasps of surprise come from the rest of the guild members that wore on the island. Lucy what do you think you are doing! Asked me Zeref and Natsu at the same time but I was to consumed by my anger... wait this wasn't anger this was.... Rage Them my clothes changed. I now had a black dress, similar to the one I wore when I buried my mom. It was knee long and had a red lace in the waist. I looked so Kawaii, with my black slippers and my now black hair and red crimson eyes. I looked exactly like Zeref when he got angry, and he knew that. Of course. Then the others finally arrived, when I shouted "Konimono, attack these weaklings , who made me, your master feel so much pain. But let Lisanna to me... " Then all you could hear was a loud roar from my demon.

-Lisannas p.o.v-

I was fighting with Evergreen against Gray and Niki, until I saw the communication lacrima as it shined a deep blood red. This was an emergency. What could have happened? We stopped fighting and headed towards the lacrima. Then Happy appeared telling us that the all mighty dark lord black wizard Zeref was in this Island fighting against my Natsu, and that he was trying to do 'things' with Lucy. Wait did Natsu tried to do things with the weak celestial Mage, or did the almighty dark lord Zeref do it? I was confused and angry. That Bitch. She would pay. He then told us were to go. We were flying there. When suddenly a black head was seen from the distance.

We immediately knew that was the place. I only knew about one Mage who was able to create a demon. An it was Zeref. But when we arrived I literally shitted in my pants. There stood the Lucy bitch, floating in the air, as her clothing changed to a beautiful princess black dress. Her hair changed too, it turned from golden, to a deep black just like her eyes, that changed from brown to a scarlet bloody red. But what she said afterwards send a shiver to my spine. "Konimono, ' I think that's how her Demon is called' attack these weaklings, who made me, your master feel so much pain but let Lisanna to me" and then she started laughing like a psychopath.

"The hell bitch!" I shouted and regretted it the second I said it. She turned around to see me, while she gave me an evil smile that made my soul come out of my mouth. " Bitch you ain't scary!" I lied. I knew there was always Natsu to protect me, but when I looked his way he was... Crying? Then Konimono noticed Natsu and started attacking him. It looked like it could kill him with just touching him, until someone protected him. It was... Zeref. " What the hell is happening here! " Asked master looking extremely confused as he arrived. Natsu who now saw the others ran next to them and started explaining what happened. Zeref was on the other side, fighting against Lucy's demon, defending Fairy Tail. Then Lucy looked at us, she didn't look at herself at all. She looked like the madness inside of her ha already consumed all of the sanity that was left after I 'accidentally' made everyone hate her.

-No one p.o.v-

"Well isnt this the guild who faked to be my family for so long and then literal stabbed my in my back" Lucy said while floating back to the ground. " And there you are Niki. Come one, help me destroy them! " She finished laughing evilly sending fear to everyone's spine. " Lucy... This is crazy! Stop this! What are you doing?" Niki responded while crying. " Looks like if someone hasn't your same DNA then thy won't ever be able to form part of your family... Very well, Niki as you wish. " She continued looking at her with mad eyes until she chanted " death pillar! " and a huge vertical explosion was made, hitting everyone, who luckily didn't die, because it wasn't Lucy's intention, and in contrast of Zeref, she seemed able to control when her magic was going to kill and when to simply hurt. They seemed severely injured though. Everyone also seemed exhausted too, even though they didn't do anything.

She gave them a smirk and whispered "pathetic". Mavis then shouted " Divide yourself in 2 groups! The first one , that is going to attack her consists on: Team Natsu, Makarov, Gajeel, Levy and Niki. The other team will consist of the rest of you, and you'll have to support Zeref who's trying his best to defend the guild." "Split and attack" shouted Makarov. Soon every one attack at the same time. There was dust floating in the air and what they saw when it settled down was shocking.

There it was a standing Lucy, with not even a scratch with bangs covering her face while a dark deathly aura was surrounding her, making her look even more scary. She looked bloodthirsty and filled with rage, there was no sign of the 'old' Lucy anywhere. She was enjoying making them suffer.

Lucy just stood there not moving looking at them, receiving every attack that was thrown at her, but it didn't work. No bruises or scratches, anything. Just a wicked smiling Lucy. But then something happened that coughs everyone's attention, including Lucy's. Team B ( the one that was send to attack Kinomono) was attacking quick, and hard. This was too much for the demon to handle and even though all of them except for Zeref were at their limits they managed to throw it to the ground , and Zeref managed to surprise him by making a death magic attack. which made the demon scream in pain and disappear. Making everyone on the guild except for Lucy cheer. It was obvious they wouldn't had been able to destroy her creation if they didn't have her boyfriend by their side, so she decided to change that.


Hey guys... What do you think about it? Good? Excellent? Crappy? Totally awful? Tell me.. But please be nice. Support is always welcome!

I know this chapter is short but I have a lot of exams at school and writing is becoming harder now, due my lack of time because of my studies.

Well anyway... I love you all.

Next chapter will be up ASAP (when I finish writing it ... ;) )

Send me your ideas please.


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