GMG Day 1.

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Hey first of all I want to tell you that because of some thinking I've been doing, I've decided that Lucy was out for only 2 years.. ( In the dragon realm the years passes by quicker... ) So the guild didnt age much in that time... :) I decided this because then everybody would be older and sooo... I dont want that. ;) HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND. If not just send me a mesage asking me any questions and I'd be glad to answear them... 

Now back to the story...


No ones p.o.v

Lucy was walking through a cold dark space. Everything surrounding her was just a pure, empty and cold darkness. No sounds could be herd, just her slow breathing. The darkness was like a omnipresent observer, carefully watching Lucy from the shadows. She didn't know where she was. or where she was heading. In fact she didn't even know if she wanted to reach a particular destination.

After walking for a long, long time through the shadows, she spotted a light at the distance. It was long and white, and looked as if it were suspended in the fog. As she was getting closer, the light started to form a shape but as she tried to reach to it, it faded away. Causing her to scream in a agonizing pain. Her merciless screaming echoed in the silence, making it sound even louder. Intensifying the atrocious pain Lucy was in. 

After a while, a constant  river of tears started making their way through her eyes and even though she was trying her best not to led them fall, they fell endlessly into the cold empty ground.

It was just after she asked "w-why?" that the bizarre pain stoped. She composted herself, only to ask this question louder and clearer while standing up to face her enemy. "Why!" She now demanded to know, while everything changed.

The quiet darkness sourrounding her now was filled with people screams of despair and agony. The cold black ground that she was standind in, was now covered in blood. Which fell from the thousands of corpses laying there, lifeless. Some of them were teared open in half, or had their limbs amputaded just like others were laying there bleading from deep cuts and bruises they had that covered almost all of their bodies but what kind of monster could do that? What kind of heartless criminal was able to take that high amount of lifes? Who could be so broken to arrive this kind of madness? Her head started creating thousends of questions, while her body moved uncertain towards a dull figure that stood over more dead bodies

But she regreted it as soon as the egocentric figure turned around to face her. It was herself. She stood there perplexed of her own refletion as she tried to give all of this a meaning but she couldnt. Panic was all that filled her while the scenery changed once again.

This time she didnt feel nothing at all as she was the one attacking the ones she 'cared' about. " Lucy stop." begged Lisanna while being between Lucy's strong grip but she didnt stop. No. She started torturing the frightened white haired mage and with one single move of her hand, she pierced through her chest, ripping her heart out as her now cold dead body hit the floor. All she fell was state of ecstasy that killing was providing her.

" Luce! Stop it right now! " She heard her 'favourite' fire dragonslayer shout. " I said stop it you heartless monster! " he screamed louder, attempting to catch her attention, whiched worked. " You are nothing but a replacement and that's all you'll ever be. Why are you even alive when you are a disgrace for humanity? How pathetic could you be to believe that we cared about YOU? I mean just take a look at the mirror. You are a worthless broken little girl who's desperatly looking for attention. " He said laughing at her, with anger boiling from his body.

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