Forgot to remember

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-3rd person p.o.v -
-Dream or Flashback?-
A little girl was running down the cold lonely streets, as tears were pouring down her cheeks. She hid her face with her hands as she ran. Her groans of sadness and misery grew louder and louder as she walked deeper into the darkness. " Mummy... " She whispered to herself, trying to calm down. " Mummy I need you... " she whispered once again, as her black little dress began to be splattered with water patterns as the rain felt over her. Her long golden hair that was once held by a little ribbon was now loose and messy, but she didn't care as she simply putted it as side while she kept on running.
She ran and ran,calling for her mama. It was too late and dangerous for someone of her age to be walking around alone, but she didn't care. All she was feeling was an overwhelming sadness, the grief was too much for her to handle. She was to tired to keep on running when she saw a tree standing there, and she chuckled herself under it. Curling herself in a ball, holding her head between her hands as she kept on crying. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying while she called for her mother one more time. A dark coldness was surrounding her, when she suddenly saw a white haired boy who looked around her age walking towards her." Are you okay ? " he asked, concern written all over his face. " What happened, why are you crying? " He asked once again, noticing her crying made him feel bad for some reason.
Lucy was still cuddled in a ball against the tree as she managed to mumble " mama..." between sobs. The boys eyes opened wide, just as he had seen a monster or something and then where filled with sadness. " Are you looking for your mama? " he asked Lucy kneeling down next to her. Keeping distance to show her respect. Bangs of golden hair covered her eyes but the tears still found their way to fall as she looked into his ocean blue eyes. " Oh, I'm sorry I startled you, I can go if you... " he was interrupted by Lucy who know wrapped her arms around him. He was shocked at first but then he gently wrapped his arms around her too in order to return her the warm hug.
"Don't worry, I'm here. Now tell me, what happened to your mama? " the boy asked with a calm voice. " She, she's resting forever, or so said daddy. I remember she told me that I would meet her again even before I think I would, before she fell into an endless sleep. My daddy became really angry and accused me of it, but It wasn't my fault, I swear. Mommy also told me to keep my head held high, to move on but I dont know what she meant and now I'm not able to wake her up to ask her. I heard that's called dead, but mommy wouldnt be dead, wouldnt she? Maybe.... it is all my fault, afterall daddy always says that it is." Little Lucy was broken in an never ending river of tears once again, as the boy said something that helped her overcome her loneliness and made her feel understood, once again. " My daddy, he's also resting with the angels in heaven but I dont cry about it and you know why?" " why? " she asked, the tears now slowly dripping from her eyes. " Because he wouldnt like it. Think how she would feel if she sees you like this. A little cute crying mess. She wouldnt be happy, would she? Now dry your tears and smile, not for you because I know it hurts, a lot but for her. To show her how strong you have become and that you are looking forward to meet her one day. So you dont have to cry, okay? Dry your tears. Come on, let me see that beautiful smile of yours. "
" You are right... what would mommy think if she sees me like this? " she asked him as she proceeded to wipe the tears that kept on falling from her eyes until no others fell. The boy was now sitting next to her, as he handed her his little jacket because he was scared she might catch a cold as the rain kept pouring around them. " My name is Lucy, Lucy Heartfilia. " the little girl said, as no more tears were flowing down her eyes and she gladly took the boys jacket. " My name is Luke, just Luke and it's a pleasure to meet you" "the pleasure is mine young boy Luke. " Little Lucy said, she was thought by her family and maids, to treat persons with respect, even more if she didn't know them. " Do you want to know something my dad used to tell me when he was still alive? " The boy asked playfully like any other child talking about a secret, something really important that only they knew hiding his real sadness inside himself " Sure! Tell me. " Little Lucy said making her interest obvious to everyone and everything. " Do you know what Luke and Lucy means; Lucy? " the boy asked, smiling widely while sitting right next to the little girl under an olive tree that was protecting them from the monsters of the night and the never ending pouring rain. " No, I don't but I would like to know." She answered shyly. " Well, do you know what Light is? " He asked now, his ocean blue eyes meeting her hazel brown ones never looking away the tint of sadness long gone " it is the thing that keeps the monsters away at night also the thing the moon gives us when it shines, just like when the fire is burning; what the sun gives us when it burns " she responded like it was the obvious thing in the whole world and she said it with such a voice that the boy could only look at her in awe. " You truly are a smart girl; now do you know what it means ?" He asked like testing her, looking for a way to make a puzzle out of the explanation but all he got in response was silence " mh..... No... I don't.... " She reveled later, a little bit ashamed by it." We'll it means life; purity and safety." He commented with a warm smile. Now it was the little girls turn to be in awe. " We are the light, and we can't let it fade away by such a dumb thing as crying" .
They talked, laughed, shared secrets and smiled until they leaned their backs against each other as they slowly and peacefully drifted away into the darkness of sleep but now they didn't feel alone; they knew they had each other.
----------end of flashback/ dream-----------
With that, she awoke. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she tried to give that dream a meaning was it a memory or was it just a product of her imagination, something created by her own mind to relief the grief she was feeling at that time? She wasn't sure but one thing was for real; it woke something inside of her, the seal that was containing it suddenly shattered into a million pieces all over the place letting nothing than an empty feeling replacing it. The question now was; what is that, that what broke free? Why was it sealed deep inside of her in the first place? Her mind was fussy; just like her vision, she could barely identify a black spot in the distance. It was actually a miracle that she could identify anything because of the darkness surrounding her. She open her eyes even wider, forcing them to look around; to see where she was. She still had the chains around ankles and wrists, just like the hand-cups, the blood, the coldness, everything was the same except for the black dot in the distance.
Minutes passed and Lucy could see that the 'thing' was getting closer by the second. But then, 3 mins later she could clearly see not what it was but who it was: Zeref.
Cliffhanger 😈 mwhahahaha 😄
Here's the new chappy I promised, don't worry I'll update " forgot to remember part II " ASAP.
It gives me the 'strength' to keep on writing :)
(The pic at the beginning is Luke)
Ps: which chapter is your favorite so far?
Lots of love,
-Killergirl2404 (Chiara 🌸)
(My name also means light YAY )

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