Special day

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Oh my god people! I can't believe I have 2.5k reads! I'm squealing in my room! Thank you so much! Really. You made my day. What am I talking about you made my month, if not my year! I can't believe it!


-Lucy's p.o.v-

As soon as the sun started rising in the sky, I was woken by Zeref, who had a huge grin plastered on his face. " w-what's wrong ? Zzzzz " I mumbled while looking for comfort and laying her head in Zeref's cold naked chest. " How did you sleep? " He asked his sleeping girlfriend aka me.

" I couldn't have slept better " I answered happily while giving him a soft kiss on his left cheek. " Well It's almost time for you to go back again. You are probably going to fight today again you know... " He said while petting my head slowly. " Ugh. Yet can't seem to be able to live without me, can they? " I sighed. " I don't think so Bæ" he ended before I stood up and took a quick shower and putted myself some dark gray pants whit a black top and black vans with white socks.

It was a hot day and I knew I had to feel good while fighting.

After I brushed my teeth and my hair. Which was long, it reached my waist and had some colorful highlights. The dominant color is the one of the magic I'm using at the moment so that's why when I'm using death/dark magic it turns to black. I still don't know why it doesn't change 'completely' while I use other magics though.I guess it's because that one is stronger...

Well anyways, once I was done, I kissed Zeref on the cheek and teleported myself to the rest of the group.

" Luce! you are back, where did you go? I was wo- " Natsu was cut of by Mato, who announced today's event. It's called airè. All teams would send a participant to represent them and they would have to fight on an invisible platform in the air. People should be careful though, because they might fall. The platform is located so high, that the surrounding is freezing because of the lack of oxygen. If a competitor falls and hits the floor, he would aromatically loose while he falls a large way until they arrive the floor. Which can cause severe injuries. He explained while Minerva and Rufus stand forward. I looked at them coldly, correction, I look at her coldly. I hated her. She killed Yukino, only because she thought she was weak and also made did so many bad things. She even humiliated me! " I'm going. " I said coldly while stamping forwards the arena as Mato ended. " But you have already fought yesterday! " I heard a voice complain behind me but I didn't care. I was going to win, no matter who I fought against with.

" Okay so today's participants are:

Lamia Scale - Jura

Blue Pegasus - Jenny

Fairy Tail Team B - Mirajane (who changed to the other team and Akira joined ours..)

Mermaid heel - Kagura

Raventail had been descualified... Once again...

Cuatro puppy - Bacchus

Sabertooth - Minerva

Fairy Tail team A - Lucy

" Oh my sweet pumpkins! look each team send one of their strongest mages! this will be interesting - kabo " he cheered, followed by the audience.

Then we were suddenly lifted in the air. The ground was no were to be seen but somehow we were standing above it...

' You can see it Lucy, concentrate. ' I said to myself, closing my eyes and concentrating on the ground. I learned space magic, so I should technically be able to feel everything around me. Also the ending of this invisible floor. After a second I felt it. Everything. Every single thing surrounding me. I could feel the curves of a ball or the wetness of water. I simply felt it. Then I opened my eyes, only to see Mira fighting against Jenny 7km away from me. I simply closed my eyes and concentrated once again, to go and find my enemies. I felt Bacchus fighting against someone with a high amount of earth-magic. 'Jura' I said to myself as I continued to look for my rivals with my magic. Then, almost 20m away to the left, I felt hatred and anger collapsing against each other. Kagura and Minerva. I told myself while opening my eyes and seeing Jenny being thrown by Mira and falling of the 'stage'. I could hear the audience gasp, but then someonthing happened that surprised them, and even me. Mira, who was in her satan soul, flying towards her to grab her and place her on the platform to continue fighting because she " wasn't done yet... " I smiled. That's exactly what I would have done to my enemy. The audience sweat dropped while asking " really?" I smirked, I guess I said that out loud. 'Well.... Lets go join a fight' I said to myself. I decided to leave Minerva to the end so I would fight against Bacchus and Jura. I teleported in the middle, just in time to place a kick on them and before they could do anything, I teleported behind Bacchus and said " blood control- boiling blood. " And he fell to the floor screaming in agony. I smiled with my well known sadistic smile. This spelled made your blood burn you, from the inside out which hurt... A lot. I knew it well because when I first learned it, I had to feel it over and over again until it lost its effect on me.

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