That special one.

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#until someone opened my door.

It was a men.He was wearing black clothes and black shoes. He walked slowly to me looking at me with a sad face. He sat next to me and hugged me. I fell so sad I didn't care I didn't knew who he was, I hugged him back.

We were there for minutes until my crying became sobs. He then pulled out of the hug and started walking out the door again.Like nothing happened. Before he went out I asked him his name and why he came to help me.

The man abruptly stopped and turned around while closing the door behind him. He was really nice, and had a cute face but it was filled with sadness and maybe also madness.wait what am I thinking? I just met him! Lucy behave yourself. I thought to myself when I was interrupt by him saying " Im sorry, but I know if I tell you my name you'll freak out and will ran away from me. But I can assure you, I'm here to help you, because I don't want you to be sad, I don't want you to suffer. I don't want the pain to eat you alive, just like me...." When he said that I saw a tear starting to fall down his cheek. I walked to him slowly, still sobbing a bit and wiped his tear with my hand. When I was near him I could feel a high amount of magic radiating from him, and I also felt a dark aura surround him but I didn't care. I knew he wouldn't do anything to me. So I hugged him.

We were standing while hugging in my room, when he said " please dont tell anyone what I was doing here" he had barely finished when many dragons including Stella slammed the door open when he disappeared.

Stella's p.o.v.

I was sleeping in one of the rooms in the castle until I woke up feeling an extreme amount of dark magic. Was he here? No way. Why would this amount of magic be here. I flew out my room and went to inform the others. When we were together we started following the magic... Until it led us to... The princess room!!!

Layla p.o.v

I was sitting in my bed thinking, when suddenly Stella just walked into my room. This has to be an emergency, since no one just enters the queens rooms like that. Her face was pale. And she was barely breathing, when she managed to say "" That was when I felt it. The dark magic floating threw the air. No way he was here. No way he was with my daughter! As the queen I knew exactly where the source was. And indeed it was in her room.

"Gather the others, lets go" I ordered.

We went flying throw the corridors until we were in front of her door, when Stella pushed it open.

Lucy's p.o.v

I was standing there crying. When they ran to me. My mom hugged me really hard and told me my training would start tomorrow. I was still crying when everyone started making questions to me about what was that magic, why was I crying and what was I doing standing in the middle of my room. My mom rose her hand and everyone became quiet. "What happened hun?" She quietly asked.

"It's jus *sob* a night *sob* mare... About what *sob* happened to me in Fairy Tail." Then suddenly I stopped crying and a certain anger took control .I felt my veins burning with anger. I was decided. I would make them suffer. Everyone was surprised, because a darks aura surrounded me and I said " They will pay " with an evil grin at the end. My mom was shocked about it and told me to take a hot bath and go to her room to sleep there.

First I didn't wanted it, but I wasn't going to make a scene in front of all dragons so I agreed.

~In the Mornig~

I was taking breakfast in the kitchen with my mom and her closest dragon friends. When she told me I was the chosen one. I remember Loke saying something about it, but I never had the chance to ask what it all ment. So I took the chance and asked, and what they told me left me in shock.

I'm the chosen one. I will learn all types of magic. I will be the ruler of them all. I'm the princes of all. The fairy's;the dragons;the wolfs;the gods;the demons;the angels....

All. And I'm supposed to bring the evil and the good in the same position. I'm the one supposed to be the balance of the universe. I will of course then become the strongest of them all. But it will cost me time and practice if I want to fulfill it.

"Hell yeah I will. Let's start right now!" I exclaimed exited as my mom finished. " She reminds me of you, when you were younger, Layla" said Stella. "Well then let the training begin." Said mom exited too.


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Lucy: {KillerGirl2404 doesn't own Fairy Tail.}

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