Giving all my secrets away

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First of all have you seen the new Fairy Tail episode? It's like ouch. So many feelings!! I can't!! 😭😂😖 AHHHHH I'm drowning with feels! I can't wait for the next Friday. OMG. I'm dead. I wanted to read the manga but Idk...

^that escalated quickly...


#' I guess it is' I thought to myself while following them.

The next morning I woke up in the middle of the forest, with my clothes teared open. I looked around me and saw nothing but trees and nature.

"...ce, Lucy!" I heard a voice calling my name. As I stood up, my head was spinning in circles. Memories of last night floating and invading it. 'Shit! whoever it is can't see me like this!What will they think about me?' I thought to myself while re-equipping me other clothes. 'The re-equip magic is soo helpful when you need a change' " I see her over there! " shouted a female voice. Then I recognized who it was.... It was my team and Akira. " Hey guys... What are you doing here?" I asked in order to confuse them, which clearly worked. "Um... We couldn't find you so we went to look after you..." Said Natsu smiling at me with his typical toothy grin. " See fire freak of nature! she's just fine." Exclaimed Gray hitting the back of Natsu's head. " a-aye.. " He said while looking at the floor.

" Okay. " I said awkwardly. " Lets start today's training, enough chit-chat! " " Aye!" they said with terror all over their faces. " What are you waiting for? start running until I say otherwise! " I screamed with an evil grin at the end when they started running through the woods " see you here in 2 hours and you better feel broken afterwards! "

' This is indeed going to be a looong week...' I thought while sitting over a stone meditating.

Two hours after, appeared a really sweating Gray and Natsu, followed by another sweating Erza who was charging a knocked down Akira and Wendy. " They blacked out after an hour and a half... " Commented Erza. " Okay lets go have launch an then we will continue." I replied while opening a portal to the Heartfilia mansion.

We were sitting on the kitchen, while the boys were 'cooking' lunch. I looked over at the two girls who were resting on the couch. " Will I ever be able to tell her the truth someday? " I asked myself. But little did I know she was awake and hearing me. " Tell me what Lucy-sama?" She asked out of nowhere while turning around to face me.

With that my face went pale, just like if someone had stolen my soul. I looked like a ghost. What would I answer her? And If I did tell her that I was the princess of it all what would her reaction be? She would want to see her mother and that would mean I had to call her and Igneel, because Igneel hasn't seen Natsu yet... "It's a really really long story..." I said while the others were looking at me with the same pale face. " I don't care. I have all the time of the world..." She replied like pushing me a little.

" Okay I will tell you, but you have to swear on your life you will never tell it to anybody." I said while giving up, I knew she would keep asking me the same thing over and over again until I confess. " I swear on my life." She said with a serious face while walking towards the table.

I chanted a spell around us, so the maids and unwanted ears wouldn't hear our conversation when I started explaining:

"well you see, I'm Lucy Heartfilia, the daughter of Layla Heartfilia and Acnologia, them being the king and queen of all, makes me automatically the princess of it all. My mission in this world is to keep the balance between the good and the bad, Im the ruler of every creature in the world, which means I have also mastered all kinds of magic..."

While I explained her everything she had her eyes open as plates, just like her mouth, which was extremely open. She had tears of hate streaming down her eyes when I told her that the sweet boy I was dating was Zeref, and that Acnologia was my father but afterwards they turned into tears of understanding when I explained her how much they had changed in this past years and that they were consumed by hate in that time. The tears didn't disappear when I told her that I knew the dragons and that they were living in the dragon world with my mother until she passed away. The tears became tears of joy while she hugged me really tight and thanked me for being honest with her and such.... I sighed in relief. Her heart was pure, just like Terra told me.

" Guys I know what our next training will be... " I said while I looked at the others. " What can that possibly be? " Asked Erza showing interest. " I will train you... dragon style..." I said while smiling. Natsu's eyes were filling themselves with tears. He couldn't believe he was going to see Igneel again, just like Akira's. " who told you that we're going to the dragon world? " I asked teasing them a bit. " L-Luce aren't we g-going?" He asked me while the tears threatened to escape from his eyes. " No, we are not, but they are coming... " I said while smiling. " I will call them as soon as we finish lunch! " I said while looking at the sandwiches the boy's had made. "So gourmet"I said while biting one.

One hour later we were finally finish with the sandwiches. I told everyone to follow me, and stunningly they did.

We walked for almost an hour when we arrived the same place they found me in the morning. After checking the area in order to find 'unwanted guests' I chanted " Open the gate of the fire dragon, Igneel! " " Open the gate of the earth dragon, Terra! " and lastly " Open the gate of the air dragon Grandeeney " soon the three dragons were standing there with all their glory. " Hime." They said in unison, before realizing the people behind me. Terra's eyes were filled with tears and joy. " A-Akira? Is that y-you?" She said overjoyed. " T...t... Terra!?!?" asked/said the young earth dragon slayer who still couldn't believe what she was seeing. As they hugged each other I turned around to see how Natsu and Igneel where handling it...

" Natsu?" Asked Igneel with a bit of anger and happiness. " Igneel? " Natsu mumbled still in shock. " You idiot. How dare you hurt the princess? Haven't you learn anything this past years? " He lectured him, making me smile. A family reunited is worth more than anything. " Y-yeah, about that... I know I did wrong...." He said rubbing the back of his head like he's used to. " I hope you know because if you wouldn't then you would be in a bigger trouble young man." Igneel said while hugging his son with one wing.

At my left side Grandeeney and Wendy were talking and cheering. Wendy was the first person I told about my powers and also the first person in the guild besides Me, Zeref and Niki ( and Loke) to go to the Dragon World. So she had already seen Grandeeney before...

It was almost midnight when Igneel decided to head back to their world, followed by the others. " Natsu, you better listen to me now, don't you dare hurt Lucy again or I, the almighty fire dragon 'king' will come after you. " He said before crossing the portal to the other world. " Akira. It's been such a long time my child, you have grown into such a big beautiful girl, I'm proud of you. You better respect the princess or I'll be forced to come and show you a little lesson... " She joked while smiling and following Igneel into the dragon world. " Bye Wendy!" Grandeeney waved at Wendy before following the others. " Bye mom/dad" they said in unison before hugging me.

I stood in shock, as the 3 of them hugged me. " Uhm guys... You can let go of me now..." I said awkwardly. " Thank you Luce. " Whined Natsu while holding me even closer to his 'hot' body. " I don't even know what to say... " cried Akira in my shoulder. Wendy was the first one to let go of me, smiling warmly. Then Akira and lastly Natsu, while he said " Ok now lets train, we are gonna win this GMG for them and for us!" he said while punching the air with his fists covered in red/orange flames. " Aye! " We cheered while joining him.


Ok don't blame me. I know this chapter is short and sucks but writing about training is BORING. I said it. Next chapter : GMG the begging!

~Lots of love 💙

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