Dark light

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#I didn't care...

I woke up the next morning and tried to get up but couldn't because something was holding me back. I turned around to see what it was and it was a sleeping Zeref, who was hugging me while sleeping. I sighed. I needed to tell him but while I was there I remembered Niki. Shit! I'm such a bad friend I wonder where she is now... I need to find her and tell her about it. She's been with me since she was born... Ok but first I have to tell him. Holy potatoes, what am I gonna do? Oh god, he's awake! "Mm... Lucy tell me what?" Asked a sleepy Zeref "Zeref bae could you please stop reading mind? Now stand up I've got to talk to you." I demanded. " Okay, okay what is it?" He asked curiously.

After I explained him what happened yesterday his face turned angry and I dark aura started to appear around him. I also noticed his eyes now were red, a blood red. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts so I used my magic to see what he was thinking, and what I saw creeped me out a little bit, I must admit. It was him standing in the middle of a town, with corpses all around him. He killed the whole town!?! but why? I then heard mi father laughing. When he said "well done Zeref, you have just mastered the ***** attack. " I froze. Were they really killing so many innocent people just to try one attack? What the fudge.

Then I quickly returned to my body. I was shaking a bit but the T-shirt I was wearing that actually belonged to Zeref was really long so it didn't notice. Then he turned back to normal while he said. " I love you Lucy. I don't care about your past and we'll get your family to like me, whether they like it or not because I love YOU and I would do everything for you. " " I love you too Zeref! And I don't care if you are called the evil dark lord, for me you are my sweet little sugar pie!" ' Did I just say sweet little sugar pie? Pathetic. What is wrong with me? " Ok that sounded weird but the point is I love you too!" I said before we kissed. This time the kiss wasn't hungry for power and revenge and for take control of the other, this time the kiss was slow and sweet. It was perfect. His lips touching mine softly as our tongues dance in our mouths.

When we finally broke the kiss he looked me straight in my eyes and said: " Please, don't let the darkness consume you." And after we changed to our normal clothes we walked towards the guild. He putted a spell on him so the others couldn't smell him. That actually applied just for the dragon slayers... Then I gave him my cloak. Now we were ready to go. I looked at him and he shook his head nodding me a yes. And we teleported inside master Makarovs office.

-Makarovs p.o.v -

I was reading my typical smexy Wednesday magazine when Lucy and a guy appeared to in my office. She really needed to stop teleporting here without a warnig! I quickly dropped the magazine underneath me, so they couldn't see it. That's when I felt it. He was the same guy as yesterday! The dark magic was floating in my office making it hard for me to breathe. I was about to alarm the guild when Lucy told the hooded person to go away a little, because he's magic was making it hard for me to breath through telepathy and that she would call him later, also through telepathy.

Then she looked to me with concern written all over her face. When she said "M-master m-my boyfriend would like to join the guild." First she could barely even pronounce the world master, but at the end it seemed like she was trying to talk as quick as the light. But I indeed understood. " Then may I ask you who he is? And what kind of magic he uses? Because he felt powerful. " Well, I don't really know all his magic, but I know he uses Living magic... I'm begging you Makarov, please! Let him join! We won't cause any disaster and if we do, I promise we will repay it to you. I love him. Please! " She looked at me with sad eyes. " Hey, hey Lucy... Don't be sad. Ok I'll let him join but you promise me you'll get out of trouble? And also promise me one thing Lucy"

"Yeah, whatever you want master." "You will control him, and he also needs to use this " I said giving her a male bracelet. " This is a golden magic leveler." 'I know he uses dark magic and he has a incredible high amount of it... I also should tell the magic council. But I don't want her to suffer. Not again, so I will let it slit.'

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