Weak and Alone

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"So we will"...

Lucy's p.o.v

Then we gathered together and started making a strategy because one does not simply attack a guild without one.

Master decided to take team Natsu do it because they were all strong.

Natsu grinned at this while looking at me but I didn't know why...

Then we headed to our 'enemies' guild

Even though the dragonslayer twins were my friends.


Time skip in front of Sabertooth guild

"Well all of you, it's time to show them that they can't simply hurt one of our Nakamas and get away with it" whispered Erza. "Aye, sir" screamed happy. Then the doors where burst open and the twin dragonslayer's came out. They were sad, they look broken, like they were about to cry.

Then their two exceeds came out te guild too, one was green and had a pink frog costume and the other was red and had blue pants. They also looked sad. But the reason was still a mistery.

They looked around the place, it seems like they were looking for the noise that Happy had made a little while ago...

Lucy's p.o.v

I saw rogue-kun and sting-kun walk out their guild followed by their exceeds fro and lector. I saw them so sad... I had a feeling that I had to go and comfort them. So I finally did, I knew rogue and sting wouldn't do anything to me so I just walked over them, while I saw Natsu and Erza and look at me with a what the fuck do you think you are doing look but I simply ignored and walked out of the place where we were hiding. Sting and Rogue turned around and mouthed something to me... I think it was 'gomen' but I was too late they started doing a shadow - light dragons roar at me (rogue shadow, sting light) but I was so shocked I couldn't even move.

I sighed,closed my eyes and waited for the impact but I didn't felt anything so I opened my eyes to see what happened and I saw Minerva telling them to back of, that I was HER prey and she and only she could hunt me down. I was terrified. What the fuck did just happened? I was in shock. When I suddenly heard Natsu say " Stay away from Luce, she isn't strong enough to fight against you, fight me, I'm way stronger." As he said that everyone froze, including Minerva, who was now laughing out loud (lol) about me.. right in front of me.

Then I literally felt something break inside me. My heart was shattered into million pieces. The one I love was telling me I was weak. I knew they all thought it and all but I didn't expected him to be the one to say it.

He was smiling ,I couldn't believe it.

Erza, and Happy looked at me with an I'm sorry but it's kinda true face. Gray was there, frozen. He didn't look at me he just held his head down and whispered: "Im sorry Lucy, this Baka is a bastard he doesn't know what you are talking about". I stand there still while Natsu continued: " Minerva I'm talking to you stop laughing, I'm gonna beat you, to protect the weak ones, to protect her like I always have because she needs me, without me she's nothing, so you better let the ones that don't have skills alone."

Minerva now looked at me with a grin on her face and whispered " you are right Natsu, I'll let the trash out of the fight, but not after I teach her who is her boss"

I then was slammed to a tree that was 15 m away. I felt my back hurt but I couldn't do anything about it, next thing I knew, I felt a ball of whatever magic she uses crash into my legs. It was so hard I could barely stand and then I fell. I was on my knees trying to stand up but I couldn't. Before I knew it she teleported in front of me and kicked me in my face. 1,2,3 kicks one after the other she was kicking me hard in the stomach, the back, the legs, the head... Every where... When she stopped I tried to summon Aries and Leo but I was to exhausted that I accidentally called plue. "P-plue "he said with the rest of the strength I had left I face palmed.

Then I heard Natsu's voice again and I started to cry. What was that Baka gonna say again? but I was interrupted by him screaming " Minerva let her alone now, don't you see she's too weak? She will never be able to beat you now let her alone she needs to rest for the amount of magic it costed her to call a silver ( is plue a silver key? ) she didn't even wanted to call?"

I saw happy and gray smile a bit, gray totally had a serious face when he realized it. Erza didn't even noticed Natsu because she was to busy fighting with sting and rogue.

Minerva punched me one more time I the stomach and then turned around. I don't know where I got the strength, but when she was heading to Natsu I summoned Loke and told him to take me to the Spirits World, he did as I said and while I was being charged by him I could see Natsu smiling while figting Minerva. I saw Gray who saw me and then a tear fell from his cheek

Erza now stand there with the two dragonslayers in the ground. It was clear to me that the almighty Titania had won. But she didn't even looked my way she simply started walking to Minerva and Natsu, to join the fight.

That was all I saw before Loke took me to the other world where I totally passed out.


Hey.. Did you like it?

I suck at writing but I enjoy it soo much.

{I do not own fairy tail}

Next chapter will be uploaded ASAP

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