Chapter 48

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"My Lord!"

"What!!?" Said Dracula looking at him with his red eyes and claws.

"My Lord, Frankenstein escape, he is not in his cell, some let him go."

Dracula laughs because he is mad.

"So, that was your whole plan all along, huh. Damn you! DAMN YOU WILFREEEEEEEDD!!!"

Then the castle starts shaking a little bit.

"What's That?" Asked Jack's concern.

"That's magic, someone is using a magic spell of teleportation." Replied Blackmir.

"Maybe some of Wilfred's soldiers are still here." Pointed out Lady Ashbury.

"I'll go." Said John bravely.

"Go then and do it quickly." Replied Dracula.

"Be careful John." She said it worried.

"I will." Said John smiling at her.

Back with Conor, Valmir, and Bloodmir they were in a new location of Dracula's castle. In a new room, they are in an arsenal sword room.

"Alright, I located them." Said Valmir seriously.

"And?" Asked Conor eager to know more.

"They are in the labyrinth of the dead," Valmir replied.

"Dammit! They are going to die in there." Said Bloodmir pissed.

"Alright then let's go and saved them. It's time we help the Velmont Hunters and Wizards to win The Great War." Said Conor happy they finally have a plan.

"Agreed." Said Bloodmir smiling.

"Perfect. Bloodmir helps me with the teleportation spell. It's going to be difficult to enter in there." Said Valmir getting focused.

"Why?" Asked Conor.

"The Labyrinth of the Dead, it's a place that you cannot enter with a magic spell. The only way to enter the labyrinth it's that the labyrinth found you or a mythical creature takes you there." Explained Bloodmir.

"Ok? But if we can't enter by magic, why the hell are you using magic to enter if you already know it's going to fail?" Asked Conor confused.

"Because Conor we are the daughters of Mordred. We know some tricks to enter in that place, but be warned we are going to be attacked immediately we enter there, so be prepared, alright?" Said Valmir seriously and showed Conor a yellow stone rune that will allow them to enter the Labyrinth and exit them at any time they want but that stone can only be use once.

"Yeah." Said Conor watching the front door, so he could see if anyone was nearby. Then a big circle with some weird symbols all around in it appeared.

"We are almost finished. What about John, are we going to leave him here?" Asked Bloodmir.

"I think he already made his choice," Conor replied.

Valmir and Bloodmir Look at each other sad because of what Conor said about John.

"Alright, it's done. Step in Conor or we are going to leave you." Said Valmir getting Conor to hurry up.


John then arrives were Valmir, Bloodmir and Conor are.

"What are doing?" Asked John.

"John!" Said Valmir happy to see him.

"You are leaving?" Said John confused.

"Time to pick a side, John! What's it going to be? Are you with us or them!?" Said Conor seriously.

"Quickly we can't hold it much longer!!" Cry's out Bloodmir.

"That's enough! Stop what you are doing." Said John getting close to Valmir but Conor gets in his way.

"Don't make me do this." Said John seriously.

"It's simple mate. Either you are with us or with them!"

John then tries to hit Conor in the face but Conor blocks his fist.

"I'm with them!!" Said John pissed.

Conor then pushes him back with his right hand.

"Fine then. We leave."

"I told you that if you tried to betray Dracula I was going to slay you all!!"

John through himself at Conor and the two of them start fighting with their fist. John was trained by Lady Ashbury, so he is a very skilled fighter now, the two of them were doing the best to defeat the other.

"Conor!! It's now or never!!! You need to get here quickly!!!" Cried out Valmir.

Conor dodges all the attacks of John and hits him on the stomach and then with his right arm he hits him, so hard that John was sent flying away from the room.

"You might have been trained by Lady Ashbury but still you haven't seen my full skills, John."

He finally enters the circle and they disappear from the castle. Lady Ashbury, Blackmir and Dracula went to see what was going on. Lady Ashbury sees that John was on the floor getting up.

"John! Are you alright?" Said Lady Ashbury's concern.

"I'm Fine."

"What happened John?" Asked Dracula.

John very disappointing tells Dracula what happened.

"Conor, Valmir and Bloodmir... left."

"What do you mean, left!?" Said Dracula getting angry.

"They just went to help...The Velmont Hunters and Wizards. So, they can help them defeat you."

"WHAT!!?" Yelled Dracula.

"My Lord, I think...." Said Blackmir getting interrupted by Dracula.

"Shut the bloody hell up! I'm sorry Blackmir but if your sisters choose to stand against me and my dream. They are now our enemies. I will show them no mercy."

Dracula then leaves and Jack heard everything and starts mocking John and Blackmir.

"Well, Well, Well, it seems that we have being betrayed and now we have orders to show them no mercy."

"I warn you BlackWood..." Said Blackmir getting interrupted by Jack.

"What! What are you going to do? If Dracula senses that you are going to betray him, he is going to end your life."

Dracula sent a vampire to tell them to meet him in his chamber.

"I beg your pardon for interrupting, but Lord Dracula wants to see all you in his Chamber right away."

"We are coming." Replied Lady Ashbury.

Finally, they arrived at Dracula's Chamber.

"You wanted to see us, my Lord?" Asked Blackmir with fear.

"Yes, we attack now!" Said Dracula pissed.

"I beg your pardon?" John asked confused.

"You heard me. We attack now!!! Blackmir makes more Drakos. We are going to Camelot to finish this."

"Yes, my Lord." She replied.

Blackmir then gets outside on the top of Dracula's castle and makes more Drakos, a lot of them.

"Alright then, The Great War begins!!" Said Blackmir excited.

Blackmir uses her magic teleporting Dracula's castle and his entire army leaving the city of Leona's empty.

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