Chapter 36

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A few moments earlier before the big blast happened. John and Lady Ashbury heard the big blast inside and outside the castle, so they get up from the bed and put up some clothes on and went to Dracula to see what is happening.

"My Lord? Are you ok?" Asked John worried about Dracula.

"I'm fine John. Don't need to worry." Dracula Replied.

"What was that noise, my Lord?" Asked Lady Ashbury.

Then Jack arrives at Dracula's Chamber and asks what was happening.

"What the bloody hell it's going on? Are we under attack?"

"Don't worry everyone, it's ok. Blackmir and her sisters are summoning a creature that will help us win The Great War."

John is concern about what Dracula said, so he asks.

"What creature?"

"The Dark Phoenix."

Jack and Lady Ashbury got shocked when they heard Dracula telling that Blackmir and her sisters were going to summon The Dark Phoenix.

"The what now?" Said John confused.

"It's a mythical creature, John." Said Lady Ashbury.

"I thought that the Drakos were mythical creatures too and very powerful." Said John not understanding what they are talking about.

"They are John, but the thing is that The Dark Phoenix is the counterpart of The Phoenix and those two creatures are extremely powerful." Explained Jack BlackWood.

"Wait, if it's its counterpart that means that The Phoenix is already here or better say summoned." Said John putting the pieces together.

"Remember That big shine of light, like if the sun was rising."

"Yeah, I remember."

"Well, that was The Phoenix." Said Dracula.

"Wait, what!? Really my Lord?" Said Lady Ashbury's concern.

"Yes, the Velmont Hunters and The Wizards they have summoned The Phoenix and two other big allies."

"What two other big allies, My Lord?" Asked Jack's concern about it.

"Two Dragons."

The three of them got surprised when they heard that they have summoned two Dragons.

"I thought the Dragons were just a myth." Said John surprised.

"Well, I thought they got extinct." Said Jack BlackWood.

"Does, damn humans." Said Lady Ashbury with hatred.

"My Lord? They have the upper hand now. Do you think that The Drakos and The Dark Phoenix will turn the tables around to our favor?" Asked Jack's concern if there was still hope for them to win The Great War.

"Yes. With my entire army, The Drakos and The Dark Phoenix at my side, I know that we will win The Great War and my dream will finally come true."

Then they started to hear noises like someone was fighting. Then a big sound was heard, and it shakes the castle a little bit.

"What was that?" Asked John worried if an attack had begun.

"Something is wrong. Jack, John go and see what is happening up there. I got a feeling that the summoning went sideways."

"Yes, my Lord." Replied Jack.

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