He smoked

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Recap ; Cameron. Ooh. Jorge's cousin, he called that his son got sick. That Cameron okay. I went to the control room. "They look real, I am impressed, even I got scared with one of them," this other dude was his name... Griffith, "I know, well I better look for Cameron before I forget what I'm going to say," I was by the door when it opened "Sorr... Hey I was looking for you, I'm Cameron Pulido," we shook hands "Hi. I'm Sam Clarke," we talked and got to know each other "Good job on the work. They look so realistic like the clowns," he chuckled "I've been doing that for a while. So it's pretty easy," he left to pack a up.

The haunted house was a successful event, everyone enjoyed it, I am still proud of everyone I was relaxing at home, my mom was in the kitchen and Matt was in his room with Brownie. I have a headache, "Sam," I heard my mom say, I went to the kitchen "Yeah," I asked, "What is going on between you and your brother... Most siblings would argue," I looked at my mom "My aunt told me that when she was growing up with dad, they would always fight, she told me that her father, my grandpa would tell them that he doesn't talk to his siblings because they would always get into fights and argue a lot, my aunt then told me that its not worth fighting with your siblings, you lose someone every single time you argue until you finally lose them," I said.

"We should all forget about everything, lets spend the whole day together," Matt said coming in "How about tomorrow, have the office close, make the your employes take a break on work and have a relaxing day with their families," I looked at my mom, "Okay, but you two are going to plan everything for tomorrow, and I will tell my employes about it," she walked away. "You really went deep there with mom," Matt said getting a glass, "But we do argue at times but at the end we just say we are sorry, and because you can't go a day without talking to me and I can't go a day without talking to you," I flipped my hair "Well, of course, no one can go a day without talking to me," he nods.

"So now that we are going deep in life, how do you feel?" wow, no one has asked that question since two weeks after my fathers funeral. "Um, wow," I said "No one has really asked that question," I started to think, how do I feel. "Don't think hard, just how do you feel, broken, confused, stressed, happy, don't answer me with an okay," he said "I guess confused," I said. "I just..." Matt's phone started to ring, "Yeah?" Matt said "What!" I looked at Matt scared, "Yeah on our way... Lets go," I was confused "Is it about mom?" I asked "No, more about David," David, what did you do?

I thought we were going to the Police Station but nope. Went to the hospital... We were looking for a parking spot, I hate hospitals, "Look there," I pointed at the corner. We parked and we walked to the entrance, "Cal- umm I'll call someone," I went to the desk and ask for David Scarzone. I pulled Matt by the elevators and went to the third floor. When the elevator doors open there was Dana and kelsey, with puffy red eyes, "What happen?" I asked already scared no terrified. "Um, I-it's better if they tell you," we went to the waiting room, everyone was there.

David's mom got up and hugged me, "What happen?" I sat down between David's parents. "David has lung cancer," Will blurted out. David... Has... Lung Cancer? "Yeah he has been smoking behind our backs," Gabe said "Did you know he smoked?" they all looked at me, I let out a sigh and nod. "Why didn't you tell us?" Cole was mad, "I forgot!" many tears were running down my face, I got up and left the waiting room, I was against a wall and slid down crying my eyes out, "Not again, please tell me this is not happening again," I felt someone come next to me, "Sam, I am sorry, I am just.. Sorry," he said he came next to me and gave me a side hug. We stayed like this for a while, "We should get back and we'll have to wait and because my but is hurting," I chuckled, "Yeah mine is too," we walked in, David's parents were not there anymore, "What did you meant a while back, has this happened before?" Cole said. "Um, my friend from back home was also a smoker and died," I said.

It's been hours, and no doctors have approached to us. I was wishing this was all a dream, but it's not. "Family member of David Scarzone," every stood up, "I'm his girlfriend," I said "His parent's are not here, I am his cousin," Gabe said. I wrapped my arms around Gabe's left arm and followed the doctor to a room, "David has lung cancer and we estimated he would be around for seven to eight months," he's going to live for a seven to eight months! please tell me that I am being punk'd, I could only hear David's heart beating on the monitor, I knew this would happen eventually, everyone is dying around me. I don't know but I was already next to David while Gabe talked to the Doctor. I looked at David, "Oh David, I thought you were going to stop,"


It's been a long time since I've updated. Sadly David has moved on from the band. If you like this chapter like and comment.


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