Wrong argument

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Carrie smiled as she woke up to that joyful little laughter, she opened her eyes hearing jack's laughter again.  Stretching out she made her way to the bathroom and washed her face.

She was drying her face when she heard a very familiar couch behind her, she didn't dare to look, to scared she might be dreaming, but then she heard his voice.
" hey there " she heard harrison say before his hands touched her shoulders. She turned around and cried in his arms.

" how's it going " he asked lifting her chin up and kissed her soflty.

" how... how are ... here " she asked not believing he was back. " how are you here, why ..."

" we had troubles with the contact services, i wanted to tell you but i couldn't call you and no one would send messages away, but hey im here now. Hope you're happy " he answered with a huge smile.

" what do you think " she said kissing him hard. Jack started giggling and jiggling around in his fathers arms while both parents kissed. He giggled again getting his mother's attention " happy today i see, yesterday it was mister im in a mood and today you're laughing ". Carrie sigh again with a big smile on her face and looked at her husband.

" how's henry doing " she asked as they walked out the bathroom.

" he's alright, although i haven't seen him in 2 months, but last i heard of him they were advancing well into Saigon " harrison replied kissing jack's forehead.

" cause June called me saying that they had a small argument " carrie said as they made there way downstairs.

" i think i know what it's about, henry talked to me before he left. Ill go see her this week "

" is it something bad " carrie asked getting concerned

" if it's what henry told then no, if it's something else then i don't know, but ill still go cause henry wanted me to give her something " he winked kissing her forehead


Harrison stopped the car a few houses down from where June lives and made his way to her house under the rain.

Knocking a few times he waited until someone would open the door. No one coming at the door he made his way to the backyard finding June laying on the floor with a tea spilled out next to her. He rushed to her side and took her in his arms.

" June.. " he said shacking her body, not seeing any change he checked her pulse, he could feel her heart was still beating he let out a big sigh of relief when he saw she was opening her eyes.

" oh thank god " he said hugging her.  " what happened "

" Harrison " she asked not fully understanding why she was in his arms. " why are you here " she asked and tried getting up. He quickly helped her getting on the chair and explained why he came. 

" so im sure you know that henry told me what had been your argument a few weeks ago " Harrison said seeing June start to play with her dress.

" i wanted to tell carrie but i was simply to scared, and ashamed somehow. I didn't even tell my parents that the baby had died "

Harrison heard to word baby and just froze looking at her with wide eyes " baby " he said stopping her from talking.

" yes he told you, that was our argument "

" oh no that's not what he told me, you were pregnant " he asked again taking her hand.
He could see she was getting teary eyed and took her in his arms.

" I'm so sorry " she whispered crying.

" hey don't be sorry it's not your fault " harrison answered wandering what he should do now after a news like this. " do your parents know " he asked looking at her.

" i was so scared to tell my mom and by the time i wanted to tell her I had lost the baby " she said with a big sigh

" ill keep my mouth shut, i won't tell anybody cause it's none of my business and if i tell carrie she will freak out, when did you lose the baby " 

" thank you  harrison, well i was already 5 month pregnant i didn't even know it until that day where i felt that horrible pain, we couldn't even see inwas pregnant. So when i went to the hospital and the doctor told me that i was miscarrying I couldn't believe it" she said feeling like she was gonna faint again. Harrison was looking at her and couldn't believe what he was hearing.

" are you sure you're alright, why were you on the floor " he asked looking at the tea still spilled on the floor.

" i don't know, my head went all fuzzy and then i saw your face " she said with a giggle.

" let me bring you home with me and you stay with us for a few days, i don't want you to be alone right now "

She agreed and stayed with them for a week, after a few 2 days she said everything to carrie, that's how much she trusted her mother in-law.

Another week had passed and june was still at there house, she liked it cause it wasn't a house where she was alone all the time.  Jack was with her all the time, she was the only big sister he had like he would say.

" sis " he said poking her nose. She laughed and kissed his chubby cheek.  " where's your nose " she asked as he pointed to his nose. " good " she smiled and he laughed.

Carrie was looking at them play there little game while harrison cooked behind her.

" penny for your thoughts " he said and made her turn around.

" I'm alright not much on my mind, i just wish all my boys could be here so we could all be together finally, it's been a while. Jack is almost 2 and doesn't really know his big brother "

" hey he has time he's not even 2 he will have the time to grow with henry, ones he's back they're babysitting and we're going on a nice trip, cause my beautiful wife needs a bit of relaxation " he said moving around the kitchen to hug and kiss her.

" where would we go " she teased raising an eyebrow.

" hmmm well... maybe we could go .... too.... how about Italy, it's really nice " he said seeing her face light up

" i like the way you think "


TADAAAAA ITS BEEN FOREVER THAT EVEN CONSIDERED WRITING, so this must come as a shock to see that i posted something 😂 just enjoy and I hope ill write some more cause this story ain't done

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