Am I ?

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" MOM MOM " James shouted while running through the door and slipped right on the kitchen floor.

Carrie had just cleaned and was now laughing at her son " you ok baby " she asked helping him up.

" yeah, but look " he smiled pulling at her arm and dragged her to the tv. " look Henry's on tv "

Carrie couldn't believe her eyes and just looked at the tv almost amazed, he hadn't send any letters since he was gone, so seeing him alive and well on tv made her get emotional, she fell down to her knees and  started crying.

" you ok mom " James asked kneeling right next to her and taking his mother in his arms.

" he's alive.. and " she said starting to laugh now " and i thought he wasn't "

" now why would you think that, mom are you even serious, he was in training camp" James said shacking his head.

" but it doesn't matter now, look at my grown baby, you're my baby to James don't worry but look at him "

" uniform does fit him well, i have to say "

They both stood there listening to what Henry was saying about how the army was and how it felt to be away from his family, that their troops were learning well and that in a few days they would head back home for Christmas.

After that was over James smiled at his mother asleep in his arms, she was so small and light, he got up and carried her to the couch, he put a blanket over her and let her sleep, she had been tired in the last few weeks so a little sleep would do her good.


Slowly waking up carrie was greated with a nice smell of tea and James watching some tv right next to her.

" did i fall asleep again " she asked slowly sitting straight.

" yup by the way, you're cute when you sleep so fragile and tiny " James laughed and got a slap on the back.

" don't make fun of your mother " carrie laughed back. " no but seriously I've been tired "

" i also realised you eat a lot, like last time i made those cookies you love so much and in a day they were gone " James said with a pout.

" aww my poor baby boy, i wont eat your cookies again " she smiled cupping her son's face.

" hey maybe you're pregnant, I've heard women can be pretty tired and eat a lot " James suggested getting a horrified look from his mother.

" i couldn't be I'm 38 "

" mom, 38 isn't old well it is but it isn't "

" nooo it can't be, ill kill your father if am "

James couldn't stop laughing now and all carrie could do was glare at him, she would kill Harrison if she was pregnant again.

" i couldn't go through that all over again " she said starting to cry now. " sleeping 3 hours a day cause one of you guys is crying.. and oh my god nooo i couldn't " she said crying even harder with James only laughing louder.

" mom i love you, you're the best and the funniest person i know, thanks for making me laugh " he said hugging his mother.

" i hate men, i hate all of you "


That same evening Harrison was laying in bed looking at carrie just sitting on the toilet, he was still laughing at her, he had no idea why she was sitting there but she had told him it was none of his goddamn business.

" come on honey I'm tired, come to bed " he said wrapping himself in the covers.

" leave me alone ok " she said sticking her tongue out .

" i can see you you know "

" leave me alone i said I'm mad at you and you know darn well why and it's my choice to sit on the damn toilet "

Harrison didn't know why she was like that, he just shook his head and closed his eyes only to be hit 5 minutes later with a pillow.

" hey stop " he said starting to laugh and threw her on the bed landing on top of his wife.

" be careful will ya "

" and why is that, you attacked first " he smiled kissing her cheek

" your son thinks I'm pregnant " she whispered and got Harrison to stop kissing her face. He lift his head in such a dramatic way carrie was now crying from laughter.

" are you " he whispered out.

" i don't know, i could be but i don't know " she smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.

" i would be very happy if you were, you know I've always wanted a little Carrie "

" well don't get your hopes up to much James only suggested that "

" I'm sure he's right " he said quickly kissing her and rolled to the side.

They were both falling asleep when carrie asked Harrison if he was happy to see henry again.

" he's my son of course i am " he smiled taking his wife in his arms. " we should go an a trip with the boys, maybe skiing or something like that "

" and have new year in the mountains, i like that idea, I've always wanted to travel "

" well then it is done. Ones henry is here we leave "

I am soooo sorry i couldn't update, life has been a little crazy and i wasn't able to write, i also wasn't in the mood for a while. As you can read the crap i just wrote. Anyways i hope ill be able to write more :)

But don't worry guys I'm not done with any fic i write 😘😘😘

I'll be back home soon Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora