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Henry was packing again to leave, a few days before he got his cast off he had received a paper from the army telling him he was being stationed an hour away from home, he was happy he wasn't gonna be to far away from his family.

Harrison was at work James was at school so the only person to help him was his mother, Carrie wouldn't stop telling him about how he had to be careful and not get shot again, and how to clean his clothes.

" mom, Im 18, Im not 2 i know how to do these things " he said putting his socks in his bag.

Carrie sigh and sat on his bed " i know you know how to do this, but I'm just reminding you "

" and anyways, ill only be an hour away from here, so if i can't do something ill come here " he said quickly disappearing in the bathroom. " ok i think i have everything " he said and sigh.

" i hope you do cause i ain't running for you, soon ill be huge and I'm not gonna be able to move around " Carrie joked well only half.

" by the way talking about huge, don't you have a doctors appointment today cause you said something was hurting you " Henry asked.

" yes that is today and the doctor said he's gonna do something, i have no idea what it is but its called an ultrasound, i have heard about it but never seen one "

" what does it do "

" apparently they can see the baby " Carrie explained getting a shocked face from her son.

" like you can see him, like through the skin that's amazing, does it hurt " he asked

" ill tell y'a when i get back, and the doctor told me he could see how far along i am " she said with a big smile.

" is dad joining you " Henry asked right when they heard the front door close.

" yup we're going together, wanna join " she asked her son but Henry just nodded no.

" nha thanks i still have to finish here "


Arriving at the hospital both Carrie and Harrison felt nervous, Carrie had called the doctor for some minor pain she was feeling so he had told her about their brand new machine, it was so new they were the only ones to have it in the United States with another hospital in California.

" is that ultra thingy gonna hurt you or the baby " Harrison asked as they sat in the waiting room.

" No i dont think it will, i mean why would they create such a thing of it hurts people " she said, Harrison nodded in agreement but was still nervous about it.

A few mints later a nurse called them to go see the doctor, he asked Carrie to sit on the table and just lift her shirt up.

" so, some pain and where exactly " the doctor asked as he washed his hands.

" well i did faint not to long ago, so i don't know what it could be but i just wanted to make sure " Carrie explained.

" ok well let's just see, since we can do that no " he said starting the ultrasound."
this won't hurt at all trust me, im still new with this but don't worry, all this thing does is go over your stomach " the doctor said showing them the little remote. " i know this all looks like a big scary machine, but sir she is alright " the doctor said seeing Harrison turn a little white. " ok let's do this " he said putting the little white remote on Carrie's stomach. " gotta find baby.... and there we go " he said trying to turn the big tv.

Both Harrison and Carrie were just in awe of what they were looking at. " it's like magic " Harrison whispered and got the doctor to laugh.

" in a way it is, yes " the doctor answered

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