Told you

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" why are you all alone " James asked as he approached his mother at the table.

" Im getting worried, i asked dad to go get me a milkshake and it's been over an hour now and he hasn't come back " carrie replied looking at the entrance door.

" you know he probably went to your favourite place who's s across town " James said trying to reassure his mother.

" you think so " carrie asked a little worried.

" i know so " James said with a smile and went to sit next to his mother.

" he would actually do that, i remember when i was pregnant... was it with you or henry.. doesn't matter I was pregnant and craving that one specific pie they only make in a part of town. So dad drove 2h to go get it and 2h back. " carrie added and smiled.

" see that's what a man will do for the women he loves, especially if he knows she will kill him if he comes back empty handed " James joked getting Carrie to glare at him.

" while my son is making jokes, can he go get me some more cookies "

" mom you're gonna be huge "

" i am already huge, but your brother or sister demands another cookie " she said looking down at her stomach.

" can i touch it again " James asked wanting to feel his sibling kick again.

" you don't have to ask you're my son you can touch my stomach whenever it pleases you, unless it's the middle of the night and I'm sleeping " she laughed taking her son's hand to place it right where the baby was kicking again.

" this is odd " he said feeling the small kicks.

" well i do have a tiny growing human being it's only normal " she said moving their hands a little lower on her stomach.

" can it hear us " James asked a little curious.

" i believe so, I'm no expert in it but i think they can hear us talk " carrie answered.

" can i put my ear against " James asked.

" your dad loves doing that especially at the end of my pregnancy with you, you used to kick so hard you actually kicked his head " carrie said and they both laughed.

" god this so funny " James said still laughing. " but can i try now " he asked lowering his head. " this doesn't look weird right. 

" no, its fine " Carrie said laughing and dropped her hand on her son's hair.

" what the hell are you two doing " they both heard this familiar voice ask behind them. Carrie looked up to see her husband holding the largest milkshake she had ever seen.

"My hero " she said as Harrison handed her the milkshake.

" now i took you the biggest milkshake in town, like this I'm sure i wouldn't have to go again " he said looking at his son.
" what's he doing that's my spot " he joked looking back at carrie enjoying her milkshake. She had her eyes closed and sipped with a huge smile on her face.

" we thank you " she quickly said between sips.

" you're welcome "


While Harrison was talking with frank Carrie was trying not to fall asleep, james had asked the girl he had danced with to dance with him again.

Carrie sigh and looked at the bride laughing with someone, her friend probably  or her cousin, she smiled and looked at her son again while her eyes slowly closed, even if people we're talking and music was playing.

" honey wanna go home " she heard Harrison ask her and nodded " ok let's go then " he said helping her stand and motioned to James that they were leaving.

" I'm so sorry i gotta leave " James said to the girl he was dancing with " but I'd love to see you again " he said getting the girl to blush.

" ok see you around then " she answered kissing his cheek. James froze for a moment in the middle of the dance floor and watched her walk away, he heard his name being called again and quickly ran to his parents.

" i saw that " Harrison teased making his son blush now.

" leave him alone will y'a, that was a cute way to say goodbye " carrie said as they walked out the house.


" aahhh i have stomach pain " carrie groaned laying on their bed.

" what did i tell you, don't start puking all over the place "  Harrison said shaking his head and helped her get her shoes off.

" but it's just so good, don't get me one next time"  she sigh trying to lay on her side.

" well if i don't you get angry " he said starting to take his pants off, carrie turned her head his way just a little and asked.
" what are you doing "

" undressing so i can sleep "  he answered a little loud.

" don't yell at me " carrie yelled back.

" I'm not yelling " he said while actually shouting.

Carrie turned her head back as before and tried not crying.

" what's wrong are you mad at me again for something I've done 18 years ago or the day we met or maybe was iit last week. " he asked laying down next to her.

" don't make fun of me, I'm sad and happy " she said lifting the covers up her arms.

" you make no sense " Harrison whispered.

" I'm pregnant I'm not supposed to make sense " carrie yelled and turned herself slowly to look at her husband.

" ok, you are tired, you should sleep. You're like a child who has passed it's bed time and is getting cranky. " he said cupping her cheek.

" oh if I'm cranky then you're grouchy " she said getting a loud laugh from Harrison.

" me ,out of all people in this family, by the way I dreamt about you last night, and guess what "

" i turned into an angry women and made you my slave " she said moving a little closer to him.

" no, you had quadruplets and they all came out like me, with beard and all even with a scar on their chin "

" oh god imagine, that would be awful " carrie joked and started laughing at the image she was getting in her head of 4 baby's looking like Harrison.

" it's not funny when they talked they had deep voices, manly voices "  he tried saying but made carrie laugh only louder.
" stop laughing, i had a nightmare and you think it's funny " he said with a pout and turned around with his back at her.

" oh come on you big baby. That's hilarious " she said tickling his neck softly.

" ill show you big baby " Harrison said turning around and directly went to her foot to tickle.

" noo stop, please ill pee if you don't.. stoopp " Carrie tried saying between laughters and kicked his hand away with her other free foot.

" ill stop if you're nice to me " Harrison replied and kissed her foot.

" no you be nice to me " she said throwing his pillow on his head and laughed.

" oh so you're gonna start like this " he said from under the pillow.

" oh, you can't be serious "

" we'll pick this up ones this little one is here "  Harrison said lay back next to Carrie.

" what will you do to me "

" oh you'll see " he whispered while hugging her.

" you're scaring me " Carrie said kissing his forehead " but i love you "

" love you "


I was in the mood to write this little part no idea why, but anyways hope it's ok 😘

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