Red mark

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Hearing James cry ad Carrie calling his name Harrison tried lifting his head up that was resting on the stair

" why are you only in your socks and underwear " she asked as she saw his head fall back on the stair " are you drunk and god.... whats that .... Harrison you smell really really bad "

" im ... not.. drunk " he said his words muffled

" get up and go to bed " Carrie's tone was a little angry seeing he wouldn't be able to go himself to the bedroom she quickly went downstairs to put James in his little chair and give him his bottle he was hungry and didn't care in what state his father was.

" look at you, you can't even get up " she said taking his arm and putting it around her neck

" my pretty wife will help me "

" ugh don't talk you really drank to much "

Almost at there door henry jumped in front of his parents with a big smile but cocked his head and frowned seeing his father hanging a little
" mommy why daddy weird "

" daddy is not weird henry he is tired and he has to sleep "

" o ok well.. i hungwy so i go eat "

" yeah you go do that baby ill be there in a second "

" yeah son.. you listen... to mommy, because when she .. says something.. you have to listen to mommy "  Harrison said pointing between his wife and son

Henry looked a little confused at why his dad was talking in such a weird way but it made him giggle he nodded and went downstairs.

Ones carrie was in the room she threw Harrison on the bed who grabbed her and she fell on top of him " you gonna stay with me beautiful " he asked trying to take her nightgown off

" no ! Now let go of me you are drunk and you need to rest " she said getting his hands off of her and standing up

" but the kids...are downstairs "

" shut up will you " she shook her head and rolled her eyes seeing him struggling to get under the covers she sigh and left him.

Making her way back downstairs she stopped to grab his clothes that were all over the place in the living room, picking up his shirt she noticed a red mark on the collar she scraped it of a little and could see it was lipstick " we're gonna have a little conversation " she thought looking up at the stairs.

The day passed by pretty quickly it was very nice outside so she spend the day outside with James and Henry in the yard, but that red mark on his collar was making her think all kinds of things she didn't want . walking back inside the house holding james in one arm with Henry following behind her mesmerised by the bug he had found she watched Harrison try to go down the stairs holding the wall with his left hand and his head with his right still dressed as she had found him.

She sigh and put james on the floor and walked over to Harrison " coffee, water, aspirine "

" shhhh you're talking to loud " he said in a whisper

" so need anything "

" no "

" good then you don't need me cause your kids are dirty and they can't clean themselves " she said her voice loud not caring for the tone she was mad.

He winced and slowly walked to the kitchen slowly sitting down on the chair he rest his head on the table and closed his eyes.
Hearing his family coming back downstairs he smiled at henry all cleaned up with his long hair cleaned he picked his son up and hugged him " you could use a haircut soon " he said as Henry looked at him

" didn't we say we were gonna wait till he's 3 for his first haircut " Carrie said passing behind him as she dropped James on his other lap

" yeah but he's starting to look like a girl "

" i know girl daddy " Henry said pouting a little

" no your not a girl it's just your hair is getting long " he said still whispering a little his head was still pounding but he loved talking with his son

" but i like long an mommy too "

" yeah but we will have too cut it soon since you're almost turning 3 "

" ok " he said walking over to his chair

" now how is James today " Harrison ask as James looked up with his hand in his mouth
" aren't you the cutest "


After dinner and the kids being tucked in Carrie walked in the bedroom with the shirt she didn't wanna do that but it was making her go crazy also the reason she had been a little cold with Harrison today

" hey " he said smiling looking up at her but she didn't smile back

" Something wrong " he asked as she just stood there in front of the bed with the shirt hanging from one finger, she tossed it over his head and said " take a good look at it "

" why " he asked pulling it off his head he could see that she looked mad but sad at the same time

" look at the collar "

He did as she told him but didn't get what she was talking about " what about it "

" are you kidding me, is this the reason you go out with your friends so you can see her  "

Harrison face was so shocked he couldn't even believe what she has said he hoped he had heard wrong. " what are you crazy why would you think of something like that "

" BECAUSE OF THAT " she said screaming and almost shoving the red mark on the collar in his face

" whats that i never...... "

" you asshole, GET OUT OF HERE, GET OUT "  she yelled pulling at his arm she didn't even wanna hear what he had to say she pushed him out of there bedroom and closed the door behind her locking it. She dropped to the floor against the door holding her knees and started crying she could hear him on the other side

" Carrie I'm sorry but i don't even remember what happened last night I swear you nothing happened "

" get out i don't wanna see you "

" hear me out "

" get out ! "

He sigh and got out the house only in his pj's he was gonna go for a walk hoping he could remember what happened he remembered that there were a few women there but did he really kiss on he could never kiss another women, but seeing that red mark made him think of the worst.

" ill let it calm down for tonight and tomorrow will talk if i can get my memory back " he thought kicking a stone with his foot.

Carrie was still sitting on the floor she had stopped crying she stood up unlocked the door and went to bed.

Only 3 hours had passed and she just couldn't fall asleep she could sleep without him next to her she got up and went to James room her little boy was sound asleep she picked him up and brought him to her room she then went to Henry's bedroom and did the same having both her son's sleeping next to her she could maybe fall asleep.

Henry's little snore made her smile she took James little hand between her fingers  and closed her eyes.


Im treating my lovely readers today because you guys are amazing 😘😘😘

So did he or not that the question

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