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" james sweety would you be a doll and help me out today " carrie's mother said over the phone.

" grandma id love to help you but mom really needs me "

" oh come on she can handle herself "

" jack is not an easy baby, she's so tired all the time "

" how is she holding up with your father being away "

" the first few days she kept crying but she's doing better now, i reassured her, so yeah she's fine"

" that's good, any news from them "

" yeah dad called yesterday to let us know he's having fun, henry hasn't shot himself and that's about it "

" ok that's great, i guess i won't be seeing you any time soon then "

" if i got time ill pass by ok, can't promise anything though "

" ok well i gotta hang up kiss to jack and mom ok, bye "

" yeah bye " he said hanging up.

" grandma i assume " he heard his mother ask him from behind.

" yup she wanted me to go help her for something, but i have no time " he answered

" well i don't really need your help for today you could have gone " she said as they walked to the livingroom couch.

" i got my own stuff to do "

" like .... "

" i gotta draw a whole book of my own art stuff for the art school i wanna go to " he said picking a book up from the table.

" you know i love what you make so im sure you'll be alright, how much does that school cost actually " carrie asked

" well to enter its 200 dollars then material wise it shouldn't be that much a little 1000 a year "

" 1000 A YEAR ! , you think we're rich or something "  carrie said almost shouting

" mom, you don't have to pay ill work while going to college "

Carrie took a deep breath and looked at jack who was sleeping in her arms. " don't become an artist " she whispered and james laughed.

" well you can't choose his faith maybe he'll become an actor or singer you don't know, hey will you accompany me for test or jury whatever they call it "

" sure why not you always said i give you good luck "

" yeah you do " he said with a big silly smile .


As carrie and james drove to his drawing entry exam james couldn't stop bitting his nails and moving his legs .

" sweety you have to relax you'll do great " carrie said trying to reassure her son.

" mom if i don't get into this school im doomed" he retorted louder then intended

Carrie didn't get mad at his reaction cause she knew it was the nerves talking.
" i wish dad had been here too" james said clearing his throat

" i know honey but you can always call him to let him know im sure he'll be happy to hear you " she smiled and stroked his cheek

" you think they're having fun over there " he asked

" im sure he's enjoying it henry maybe a little less cause your father is teaching him " she said and they both laughed imagining henry running while Harrison was shooting fake harmless bullets at him.

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