The girlfriend

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Carrie was running around the house making sure it was clean, Henry had invited his girlfriend over and Carrie wanted for everything to be perfect, with both her sons sitting in the couch she knew the house wouldn't become a mess to quickly due to them still not being able to move around properly.

She was running back down the stairs when Harrison walked in with a big bouquet of flowers, she didn't even notice at first and walked right passed him.

" she's been cleaning forever " Henry said while reading the paper.

" i see, well she needs to stop " Harrison said walking towards the kitchen. Carrie was walking right back to the living room and bumped into Harrison and the flowers just crushed between them.

" oh god I'm sorry " carrie said looking at all the flowers " is that for me " she asked

" nha they're for the neighbour " Harrison joked.

" i crushed them all, Im sorry " carrie said trying to hold back her tears.

" honey its ok they're only flowers no need to get upset about it " he said hugging her.

" but they're so pretty and i " she said crying now. Harrison was trying not to laugh at her but it was very hard, she had been so emotional in the last week that the three men of the house had kept themselves quiet afraid of upsetting her even a little bit, anything could set her of and James thought it was cute.

" what are you doing running around the house " Harrison asked lifting her chin.

" Henry's girlfriend is coming over and I want this house to look nice, and i want my dinner to be good " she said feeling stupid now for crying and wiped her tears away.

" well the house looks very clean and food smells amazing, you can stop now, drink something and go sit down for a while, ok " Harrison said kissing her forehead.

" ok " she answered and started crying again for no reason.

Harrison sigh and took her in his arms again. He tried to sooth her by rocking gently and that actually worked a little.

" what time will she be here " he asked softly

" eemm.. 7 i think  " Carrie answered raising her head.  " i can't wait to see her, i bet she's cute " she said with a big smile. " i mean i do have a beautiful son so I can only assume she is pretty, we can have pretty grandkids " she said and got Harrison to nod along thinking she was going crazy.

" let's have this one first, grandkids can come later, much later " he said putting his hand on her tiny bump.

" you're right " she agreed and put her hand on his.

" now can you promise me you won't cry when she is here or she will think you have lost it, i mean don't cry like last time over your lamb in your plate, one of the customer had actually heard you and had asked me if you were alright " Harrison said giggling and got carrie to glare at him.

" I'm not crazy it just those hormonal stuff playing tricks on me, I've never cried so much, not when i was pregnant with Henry nor James " she said getting back to her dinner, Harrison just sat at the table and watched as they both talked a little more.


Harrison was helping James to his chair when the door rang.

" ill get it " Carrie said almost running to the door.  She opened the door with a huge smile on her face when she saw the girl  behind it, long curly blond hairs and big green eyes and a beautiful smile, another thing she loved was the fact that they were the same height almost.

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