Please don't cry

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As usual in the morning Harrison got up looked if henry was already awake he smiled seeing his little boys eyes blink as his little hand went in his mouth.

" hey there buddy sleep well "

He would never get tired of looking at his little boy who changed so much already in the month he was back home and he started to look more and more like him.

Picking him up gently to rest him against his shoulder Henry let out a tiny cry telling his father that he needed to be changed and was hungry but he didn't wanna wake Carrie up so he new exactly what to do.

After Henry had been fed and changed harrison sat with him outside on the rocking chair just looking at the trees, he was trying to remember the place as much as he could cause in about 2 months he would leave again but this time for much longer then he ever had, most of all he didn't wanna waist time by not being with Henry and carrie he already knew it would be very hard to leave them, now that he had seen his son, looking down at him he saw him fast asleep, he smiled and kissed his forehead.

He didn't even jump up as Carrie kissed his cheek and sat down on the chair next to him with her tea.

" goodmorning " he said turning to face her

" you were up early this morning " she replied with a smile and a hand passing thru his hair

" it became like a habit to wake up early, you know and I don't mind anyways like this you get more sleep "

" o yeah last night took him forever to fall asleep, thank you "

" for ? "

" being the most amazing father and husband , taking care of me and Henry "

Just when she kissed him a man on a bicycle pulled in front of there house.

" hey there gorgeous " Carrie and Harrison heard him say

" MAC ! Holly shit, how you been " Harrison said a huge smile on his face getting up to walk to his friend

" i have been great and i was just passing by to see my little princess " he said laughing and looking at Harrison

Carrie was just behind him looking all confused and asked what they were talking about Harrison explained that when they were together in the desert the temperature got so cold they had to sleep close to eachother and Mac always made fun of that.

" is that him, boy he's cute " mac tried looking at Henry asleep

" yup my little boy, how are your kids doing "

" they are great and happy I'm back cause my wife has been a little sick but nothing bad don't worry "

Carrie smiled and looked at Mac trying to finish his sentence

" i have 3 kids 5, 8 and 13 one girl 2 boys "

Carrie nodded and looked at harrison
And offered Mac a cup of coffee but he just passed by for a minute. Ones he was gone they sat back on there chairs enjoying the nice day.

" he looks like a nice guy "

" he's the best you should have seen the things we did even tho he's way older then i am he is hilarious and he always kept me in a good mood "

" yeah i like him allot then "


A week later Harrison was called out to an official troop party not that he really was in the mood to go and they had to leave there son with Pauline for the night that was not the thing Carrie really wanted.

Walking hand in hand Harrison had his army tux on and looked so good all Carrie wanted to do was take it off of him carrie had a nice white dress with flowers on it

As they walked in the hall of the party a band was playing people were dancing on the dance floor others were talking and laughing, Harrison spotted some friends and dragged carrie to there table.

As the night went on and dinner had been served carrie was talking to Harrison's friends wives as the guys talked together, there suddenly was a change of music Harrison locked eyes with carrie walked over to her and offered her a dance.

Swaying together on the dance floor she had her head against his chest when she looked up at him.

" It's been a long time since we danced together " she said as tears started to fill her eyes he lay his hand gently on her cheek and kissed her

" i know and we need to it more often, please don't cry sweetheart "

" I can't help it, I don't want you to leave us again  "

" Carrie, baby don't worry I'm not leaving tomorrow "

She hugged him tight as the music stopped he kissed the top of her head and took her hands in his.

" i know you're not leaving tomorrow but there just isn't enough time with you here "

He leaned down and kissed her again what was to be a simple kiss became more passionate and they didn't care about the people around them.
Carrie took a second to breath then smiled looking over at there table.

" can we please go home I don't wanna be here, i wanna be with my son and you only "

" fine I'll just say goodbye to my friend and we're going ok " he said touching her cheek softly and kissing her


Ones they were back home Pauline was asleep on the couch but quickly woke up hearing them

" i just put henry to sleep ur son is not easy why does he cry all the time "

" he missed his mommy " Harrison said from behind carrie walking to the kitchen

After a few hours of talking Pauline finally went back home they were both laying down in bed carrie was turned to Harrison caressing his cheek.

" do you want more kids harry "

" with you just about a million "

She giggled as he opened his eyes and propped himself on one arm

" why you asking "

" cause emm I don't know "

" don't tell me ur pregnant again "

" no I'm not well not that i know I'm just saying, and why again I thought you just said u wanted about a million "

" well again cause henry is only 3 months we need adleast a year between kids "

She sigh and rest her head close to his her hands resting on his back as she closed her eyes and fell asleep hoping henry wouldn't wake up in the night.


The days and weeks passed way to fast Carrie was almost every night crying in his arms cause he would leave soon to soon she was watching him sleep when he suddenly woke up and smiled at her his eyes still adjusting to the light.

" only a week "

" what ? " he said sitting up on the bed

" only a week, and you're gone "

" i know, please don't cry's to early "

He took her in his arms as she started to cry again and tears started to fill his eyes, he could feel her tears fall down on his chest as he held her tight.


😢😢 well all i do is cry when when i write this fic 😂🔫
Hope you guys enjoyed this part 😘😘

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