Ill be back home soon

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Carrie was sitting on the edge of the bed as she watched Harrison prepare some stuff and put some clothes in his bag mostly his army uniform and boots, she sigh and fell on the bed spreading her arms out.

" are you coming to bed soon or not " he heard her say as he zipped up his bag and thru it of the bed.

" since I'm leaving tomorrow let's make the best out of it "

" what do you have in mind "

He didn't say a word and landed on top of her.

" ow that's what you have in mind, yeah ok sure "

" better not be tired sweetheart it's gonna be a long night "  he said starting kissing her neck slowly

" don't worry I've put up with you before soldier "


The next morning waking up in his arms Carrie smiled and kissed his chest, she took a deep breath as she heard Henry cry she sigh getting up and walking to his room.

When she got back to her bed she sat down with henry in her arms, her little boy had fallen back asleep. A little snore came out of him resembling allot his father's that was also snoring next to her. In about 6 hours he would be leaving so she wanted to make the most out of it and spend this whole day with him....well the few hours she had.

Watching him sleep she just couldn't stop but smile and passing her hand thru his hair which did wake him up at the end.

" goodmorning " she said kissing him softly

" hi... You sleep good "

" yeah i did.....actually sleep very well "

They stayed all morning long in there bed neither of them wanting to get out.

As the morning passed Harrison was at the kitchen table feeding Henry for what was the last meal he would give him for now until he was back Carrie was sitting just in front of him just looking between him and there son.

She sigh and went outside not wanting Harrison to see her cry yet again she sat outside near the tree she adored so much looking over the fields that were moving slowly due to the light wind.

After an hour sitting outside by herself she could hear him walk over to her.

" Carrie ? "

She knew he was dressed to leave so she refused to lift her head up to look at him.

" Carrie, it's time "

" no, I won't let you go " she said this time looking at him her eyes all red and puffy
She rose to her feet and hugged him.

" sweetheart it'll be ok, you and Henry are gonne be fine "

She didn't say a word.
Pauline arrived a few minutes after to drop Harrison and keep Carrie a little comfort.
Ones every thing was in the car she drove away Carrie and Harrison were sitting in the back with Henry. Pauline was trying not to get to emotional while driving there.

About an hour later they parked at the same spot they did last time to pick him up. They all got out the car as Harrison grabbed all his stuff. Pauline was leaning against her car while she gave Carrie and Harrison some space.

" I want you to promise me one thing honey if I don't make it back I want you to live your life and I want you to be happy "

" don't stay stuff like that, I could never live without you I rather die " 

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now