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" Harrison you gotta get up " carrie whispered in his ear and heard him groan.

" 5 more minutes " he mumbled flipping on his stomach and put the pillow over his head and snaked his arm around his wife's waist.

" James tell your dad to get up or you jump on the bed " she said watching James smile as he walked in to his parents room.

" daddy, wake up no mo sleep " the little boy said gently tapping at his father's shoulder, Harrison didn't move so carrie gave a nod for James to go on the bed and jump around just to wake his dad.

" DADDY WAKE UP " James yelled jumping on his father. Carrie was laughing so hard at the sound Harrison did.

" I'm up, I'm up " Harrison groaned taking James in his arms.

" mom can you sign this " Henry asked making his way in the bedroom

" whats that sweetheart " she asked looking at the paper Henry passed her

" is for to go to the zoo, can i " he asked with a big smile

" sure you can " Carrie smiled and signed the paper.

" can i go to " James asked hugging his father's head

" no honey, Henry is going with school, but we'll go on day the 4 of us " carrie explained her son, James nodded and looked at his father hair now trying to look how many were sticking out this morning.


" just you an me today " Carrie said looking at James after Harrison and Henry had left the house. Carrie took a day off today from working at the restaurant and was gonna spend it with her son " what do you want us to do today " she asked taking him in her arms.

" i not know "

" hmmm you know what we need for the house its new... "

" new toys "

" no, not toys we need food and you sir need new cloths, you can't wear your brother's clothes all the time can ya "

" aaah yeah you right mommy " James said with firm nod of his head.


Carrie was walking with James behind her near a park with men playing a match of baseball. James stopped for a second and watched one men run across the field to catch the ball .

" i want do that to mommy " James pointed at the man

" you wanna play baseball " she asked walking over to him.

" yeah is look fun " he said jumping up and down as he heard another man yell as he tried catching the ball that landed right at James feet. James picked it up and threw it back.

" nice throw bud " the man said catching it midair and ran back on the field.

" you see what i do mommy " James asked imitating the throwing move again.

" i saw that , wanna watch them play some more " she asked sitting on the bench that was right behind her.

" we can, oh mom you fun " James said winking at her. Carrie had to laugh at the wink, she thought it was the cutest thing. " aahh my son " she thought still laughing.

The whole time she sat there she watched James try and run to catch a ball that went his way, he would pick it up and throw it back to one of the man who had to catch it, it was usually the same one. After their match was done, James felt a little sad he couldn't watch anymore or pick the ball.

She was about to leave when she heard the voice of a man call after her.

" excuse me mam, your son right " he asked as she nodded and watched him crouch in front of James.

" hey there buddy "

" hello " James answered with a smile

" i need to thank you first and say do you by any chance play baseball " he asked looking at James nod no " hmmm strange cause you throw really good, how old are you son "

James looked at his hand then tried making 4 with his finger but anded up saying  " i 4 years "

" 4 i thought you were 6, tall kid, now would you be interested in playing baseball if mommy is ok with that " he said looking at Carrie.

" well he told me he wanted to when he saw you play " Carrie said as James hugged her leg

" ok well I'm a baseball teacher for kids his age kinda, well they're all 5 and 6 but he's pretty tall for his age so how about we say you bring him here next week on Monday, and he can try it out, names Eric by the way " he smiled shacking Carrie's hand.

" emm yeah sure, ill just need to tell my husband. But I'm sure he will be just fine with it " carrie said stroking James's hair.

" well then all i need is a name like this i know who might enter me team " Eric said crouching to look at James

" that's James and I'm Carrie " carrie said looking at James who suddenly got a little shy and hid his face in her dress.

" well then James I'm gonna give you this so you can practice at home, I'm sure your dad will play with you " eric smiled handing James a baseball ball.

James looked at Eric and smiled slowly putting his hand on the ball.

" thank you mister i go play with my brother "

" well it was nice meeting you two ill be more then happy to see you next week be sure to bring the whole family, i like meeting everyone " Eric winked at Carrie and went back his way.

" ok well that was fun and see you where lucky this man teaches " carrie said looking at James who was inspecting his baseball.

" we go home now so i play with Henry "

" yes we can go we just need to find you some pants so you can play next week "


Arriving back home Carrie was a little surprised to see Harrison's car, she entered the house and saw him pace around the room.

" daddy i got a baseball look " James said running over to his father

" that's amazing honey, Carrie where is Henry "  he asked walking over to his wife

" funny i was gonna ask you that question "

" didn't you pick him up after school "

" Harrison if your pulling a joke on my this isn't funny at all " she said her tone raising a little

" I'm not i swear, now where is he "

" i have no idea, did you check at the school "

" carrie i went there already reason i thought you picked him up "

" are you sure, did you look good enough "

" Honey they told me he wasn't in the school so i thought you took him with you, so no i didn't check "

" WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR " she yelled crying now.


Ok ok i know last part a little scary.
But the question is , where is Henry ?

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now