Not so quiet day

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( Carrie's POV )

" i go open door " i hear henry scream with James running behind him as the bell rings Im still drinking my coffee but i get up and slowly walk to the door. I hear a scream and then some laughter and it's totally Pauline " o my god you are pregnant " i scream to her almost dropping my coffee as i put it on the little table at the entry and hug her i take a step back and look at her " you look great " i say smiling

" thank you " she says almost jumping from joy we haven't seen eachother in so long and we're both crying cause we're happy.

" is this henry " she asks as he hides behind me

" yeah and this is James " i say putting my hand behind his head, he's looking at her belly with wide eyes and keeps pointing at it.

" come in please, where is your husband " i say as we walk to the living room and i help her sit down " he'll be here tonight he went to do something he was a little nervous to meet you but he went to see his family Im going with him tomorrow but i had to see you today and since you said we could sleep here he dropped me " she says looking at James who keeps standing next to her " can he be any cuter " she says caressing his cheek and he quickly runs to me.

" cute but a devil " i say but James keeps tapping my arm i look down and he's pointing at Pauline Henry isn't even here he's playing " Pauline is having a baby" i say to him and he frowns " mama " he asks walking to her, he has never seen this and it's interesting " yes she's going to be a mama "

" touch " he says looking at Pauline who takes his little hand and places it on her side James's face looks hilarious right now but his face goes quickly in shock and he removes his hand running to me " hit me " he says as Pauline starts to laugh

" Its ok don't worry go play with Henry " i say kissing his cheek and he runs away
" so tea, water, juice " i ask Pauline and we both go in the kitchen.

" so what gave you the idea to finally settle down and how is Seattle " i ask sitting down with her and two cup of tea

" well Seattle is great you guys should visite some day Harrison would love it only thing it rains allot and i don't know i just really wanted a child cause i felt alone  all the time since Harold is always working but I'm happy "

" well if you're happy I'm happy even though i miss you, are you gonna stay forever in Seattle "

" i have no idea you know i have no friends there and i miss being here but we can't move right now he has his job "

" yeah Ofcourse " i say as both my sons walk in the kitchen and i take them both to sit on my lap

" you don't remember me do you henry " Pauline asks as Henry shrugs his shoulders

" i no see you when i small " he says as James starts to get annoying and i know why

" ok we are going to eat Pauline if you would join us that would be a pleasure cause we were going to eat out, its a test "

" well if were going for a milkshake im so in and a doughnut for sure im in " she says as henry nods in agreement with her

Were at the burger place Harrison loves so much and for now its going great Henry is getting more at ease with Pauline he was shy at first but now there talking to eachother about how much they love milkshake and he looks happy which is good.

" James don't play with your tomato " i say as he waves it around and slams it on the table " James " i say maybe a little loud " stop playing with the food or we are going back home " and now he threw his bread on the floor and there goes the milkshake too " that's enough " i say as he starts crying and kicking everything in his way i pick him up and go outside cause I hate it when he does that in public Pauline is with Henry so its fine.

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now