Get out already

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" ok carrie you have to come with me to work, i don't care what you say, you're 4 days over your due date and it's freaking me out " Harrison said as he got dressed to go to the restaurant. Carrie was still in bed looking at her husband just go from one side of the room to the other.

" honey I'm fine really, this kid won't come out any time soon even though I'd love that, why aren't you here yet " she said and looked at her large baby bump. " yeah kicking is a good answer i guess, now quit fooling around in there " she said again and got a few kicks back. " you're scaring your dad and you're not even born yet "

" already a trouble maker " Harrison added and sat next to carrie. " so today and the next day you will come with me to the restaurant until little guy here is born, i don't want you to be alone when you go in labour " he said taking her hand.

" fine ill go with you, but what will i do there " she asked and sigh.

" well you can stay in the kitchen, talk to Pauline help out with dressing plates, easy stuff, no, you don't walk around that kitchen, there are knifes and hot pots. You know what forget the kitchen you will stay at the bar and serve "

" but then ill be walking around which i can do very well these days, will you stop worrying for a second, Im only pregnant "

" with my baby, and i don't want anything to happen, so get dressed eat and we're going " he said and went to the bathroom.

" can i borrow one of your tshirts, i don't fit in any of mines anymore " she asked popping her head from the door.

" you've been wearing them all the time why even ask, as long as it's comfy for you,have fun in my tshirts " he said and walked by her with a quick kiss to the forehead.

" or i could put a dress, easier if i go into labour " she said getting Harrison to look at her.

" why are you saying that, did you feel something "

" no Im just assuming that if i were to be, a dress would be easier " she said with a shrug.

" whatever is good for you now hurry up we gotta go "


Arriving at the restaurant carrie just took a seat at the bar and looked around the place when a familiar voice called her.

" hows baby doing " Pauline asked putting her hand on Carrie's bump.

" good but I'd like him her to get out already " she replied and sigh.

" mommy is to cozy, it's ok this kid takes it's time and he or she is right to do that " Pauline laughed and asked if Carrie wanted a hot chocolat.

" by the way how come you're here so early " carrie asked Pauline who walked back with a hot chocolat and a coffee.

" well we do serve breakfast and that husband of yours likes when people are in time and then i drop Hannah to school and with Martin being gone i got nothing to do, sooo i come here. "  she sigh and sipped her coffee.

" how is your daughter by the way " carrie asked, she hadn't seen Hannah in a while.

" oh right now she's traveling with that stupid boyfriend of hers, i gotta be honest i wished she had picked James as boyfriend "

" well if things don't work out you can't push two people to be together, can y'a " Carrie added and got Pauline to look at her.

" wish she had stayed with James, they were cute together "

" yeah what even happened " carrie asked not remembering what broke them up.

" Hannah kinda cheated on James " Pauline said and sigh.

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