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Harrison was watching Carrie sleep and smiled thinking about today, he was gonna take her downtown and show her the perfect place to start his bar.

He watched her frown and smile at the same time and wondered what she was dreaming about, her eyes slowly fluttered open, she smiled seeing her husband look straight at her. " good morning beautiful " he said kissing her forehead.

" hi " she said stretching out. " you watching me sleep now " she asked her hand going to his hair, she just couldn't get enough of his hair, she loved playing with it, its so soft she would always say, and right now the way it looked she just couldn't keep her hands to herself.

" yes i am, but thats cause i can't sleep anymore "

" nightmare " she asked sitting up

" no, no not that. Carrie I'm gonna take you downtown later and show you the place i found for the bar " he said kissing her

" aahh i see, and what about the kids " she asked wrapping her arms round his neck

" they'll have to come with us " he answered pulling her closer to him.

" are they awake now " she asked kissing his cheek softly.

" nop, still fast asleep "


Finally reaching downtown Carrie couldn't stop but watch at all the stores they were passing, James was holding her hand and pointing across the street at a big toy store.

" will go later honey " she said lifting him in her arms.

They turned a corner and were in the street the bar would be, Harrison came to a halt with George next to him, they both raised there heads to look at the tall building. It wasn't that tall but had adleast 10 levels, and right at the bottom was a an old broken down hardware store.

" you like it " Harrison asked Carrie as she went to stand next to him.

" well it needs some cleaning and...."

" but do you like where it is, like do you like the street it's in " he asked turning to face her now.

" yeah i love it, and the fact that it's a closed street where people walk in makes it perfect "

" why we here " Henry asked getting both parents to look at him.

" this is where i wanna have my bar " Harrison said picking Henry up

" and you not gonna live with us anymore " Henry said with a sad face

" no ill still live at home but during the day and night ill be here working "

" can me and mommy help " he asked putting his hand on Carrie's head.

" yup, if mommy doesn't mind of course " he said turning to look at Carrie and smiled.

" i would never mind helping daddy " she said being cut of by James " me " he asked pointing at himself.

" everyone is going to help and work here "


Harrison was looking at all the mess left in the store and wondered how much work he would have to put in this to make it look perfect.

He looked at both his son's and smiled seeing James trying and lift some wooden panel,Henry trying to help him.

" its a big place " he heard Carrie ask him as she wrapped her arm around waist.

" yeah, I'm not going crazy right it'll be fun doing this, right " he asked wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

" no you're not crazy, this could be really fun and like that you finally move your ass a little " she answered slapping his ass softly.

" it just needs to work , we need a good idea how to put the bar and i also want for people to eat here so will need a menu and a good cook. " he winked at Carrie

" me, i can't do it all by myself "

" just in the beginning, and then when we have more money i can get another person "

" and who's gonna serve the drinks, take the order " she asked stepping in front of him

" you told me Pauline was coming back since her marriage isn't working out, she needs a job and ill be more then happy to give her one" he said wrapping his arms around her and kissed her forehead

" thats a good idea, and you will help too right "

" of course i will and I'm sure i can find some more friends who will helps us, and I'm sure my mother would help out to, she can help in the kitchen. She's a great cook "

Carrie was about to answer when they heard a cry and James trying to hit Henry who was making fun of him.

" stoooppp !! " James screamed at his big brother.

Both Carrie and Harrison were shaking there heads and looked at eachother " ok you two stop that " Carrie said picking James up

" mean henwy " James cried resting his head on his mother's shoulder.


The 4 of them had passed the rest of the day downtown and came back home late that day.

Carrie was putting James to bed when she felt two arms wrap around her, and warm lips kiss her neck softly.

" so you like my idea " Harrison whispered resting his chin on her shoulder

" yeah i do " she whispered back putting her arms above his.

" you're amazing carrie, thanks for going with my craziness " he said tightening his arms around her

" i know i am, and i like that idea it'll guve is a chance at something new" she said with a squeal as Harrison picked her up in his arms " wasn't this morning enough " she asked pulling away from his lips

" never, i love you Carrie " he said kissing her again there kiss never ending till they reached there room and Harrison closed the door with his foot.

" i love you too handsome " she said her hands messing his hair.


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