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Carrie woke up suddenly breathing with unease she felt weird she looked at the time " 3 am what the hell " she suddenly screamed when she felt a sharp pain to her back

" o hell no not today " she said lifting the covers and saw her side of the bed soaked

" ugh seriously now, Harrison! "

She tried waking him up but he wasn't easy to wake being such a deep sleeper she shook his shoulder a few times but nothing worked.

" HARRISON IF YOU DONT....... " she screamed again and finally her husband started to move he turned around with a smile on his face not realising yet what was happening

" you up already " he asked opening his eyes slowly

" you asshole !!! I've gone into labor !! " she all but screamed at him

He just lay there unable to move and looked between her face and her bump

" will you do something!! " she asked almost angry

" what do you need me to do " he asked jumping from the bed

" get me to the goddamn car ! "

He ran downstairs completely forgetting to dress or put his shoes on and started the car little problem it wouldn't start he cursed to himself and tried again and again nothing would work and no one could help him at 3 am.

He ran back upstairs already sweating his heart beating like never before
" the car won't start " he said standing in front of carrie

" what the hell do you mean it won't, Harrison this baby is coming now i don't know how long i can wait " she said as another contraction hit as her head dropped back to her pillow

" honey please calm down and breath ok " he said sitting by her head and stroking her hair he was so scared and nervous he thought he was gonna faint

" CALM DOWN ! Calm down he tells me to calm down when a baby is about to pop out of me "

" just breath for now ill try and see what's wrong with the car " he said quickly kissing her forehead and running downstairs he was glad henry was still asleep and not hearing anything from this.

After 30 minutes of trying and to see what was wrong he heard Carrie scream again his hands were all dirty and he felt really dizzy he cleaned himself quickly and ran back upstairs

" the baby is coming like right now Harrison i feel like i have to push "

" don't you dare push now what if something goes wrong I'm not... "

" YOU GET YOUR ASS HERE AND HELP ME " she was yelling at him now he could see the pain in her eyes and it was tearing him apart

" ok we can do this i can do this " he said more to himself Carrie was in to much pain to even listen to him, he grabbed a few blankets and towels and positioned himself in front of her he looked at her his heart beat raising he thought it was gonna jump out of his chest

" were doing this " he asked quickly leaning over her and kissing her forehead

" yeah we are " she said still in pain.

He was kneeling in front of her and took one of her hands in his " ok just tell me when you're ready "

" do you see something " she asked looking at him before closing her eyes

" no should i be " he was getting so nervous even his voice sounded different

" i don't know but i really feel like i have to push "

" ok then do it "

She took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could " holy shit " Harrison said his eyes almost in shock at what he was seeing

" what " she asked dropping her head back to the pillow and looking at him as she tried catching her breath

" the head...., you need to push come on "

They repeated that a few more times and soon Harrison dropped her hand to catch his new born baby he cut the umbilical cord and a loud cry echoed in there room Harrison couldn't stop staring at the baby the was wiggling in his hands he couldn't even hear Carrie talking.

She watched him for a second and smiled seeing as tears started to fall down his face, he looked up his eyes all red " its a boy " he said with a shaky voice tears flowing down his cheeks.

He quickly grabbed a little blanket next to him and wrapped his son in it handing it to Carrie who was crying with joy.
" hey there welcome to the world baby, i know its hard but it's gonna be ok " she said kissing her son's forehead as he kept on crying

She looked up to see Harrison staring at her all smiling " You ok there " she asked as he crawled next to her and kissed her.
" yeah just can't believe it "

" i love you "

" you have no idea how much i love you " he said kissing her again and looked at his new born son who had his eyes open trying to figure out who to look at as he raised one little hand and grabbed his fathers finger that was caressing his cheek.

" he's already cute " she said looking down at her son

" we do make them fairly cute i can't wait for henry too see him i just wanna wake him up right now"

" don't you dare wake him up, wait what are we gonna call him we "

" right what are we gonna call you "

Both parents sigh but laughed as there new born son made a little noise.


TADAAAA    so now i need a name anybody a perfect little boys name i can use it has to fit with ford 😁😘😘

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