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( Harrison's POV )

I'm so nervous right now my gun is shaking cause of my hands we have just been shot at and it's coming from the house im walking right in too, Im breathing so rapidly i could pass out.

Ron is right behind me as we slowly go up the squeaking stairs, i can feel the sweat on my forehead running down my temple, i suddenly stop as i hear some footsteps.

My heart is beating so hard... i barely have the time to even blink and i see a foot pas the door and shoot and the Russian falls flat to floor " goddamn, think there are any more of them " i hear Ron whisper to me

" i don't know " i say quietly as i put a feet on the last step and look at the guy i just shot, i slowly peak my head from the door and look in to the room " no one here " i say as i walk in the room and look around.

" asshole " Ron says showing me a box of explosives

" well guess we're lucky " i say picking an explosive Its huge and heavy and could have made allot of damage.

" you know these 5 months have passed quickly and we haven't done so much im getting sick of all of this " Ron says sounding angry it's true we have been fighting non stop for 5 months now and not much has changed or we aren't even close to ending this

" well that's just the way it is " i say as he sits down on his helmet

" yeah well it fucking sucks, this whole war fucking sucks and makes no sense " he says getting even more angry

" you ok there bud " i ask as i sit next to him putting my hand on his shoulder

" how do you even do it "

" i...i you know i try Its not easy to be here but we have too, but anyways we should get going we aren't done here " i tell him and get up


The next day doesn't go much better and we lost a few guys now I'm just trying to relax in this hotel that's completely destroyed I'm laying on a bench in the lounge room the nights are usually busy but tonight it seems they don't want to fight us, great i can maybe write a little it's been a while and i still have to send the 6 other letters I've written too Carrie but i wasn't able to send them yet i hope she's not panicking.

Its to dark in here and there are no candles i can't write like this

" hey Harrison look what i found " Eli says pushing my feet of the bench and sits down next to me

" whats that " i ask him and he winks at me showing the magazine of course only he could find this

" i might need some time alone if I'm gonna flip thru this " he says as we both laugh " adleast you have a wife to go to after this and have lots of fun baby making time " he says wiggling his eyebrows

I roll my eyes and laugh " you dirty little man first thing I'm gonna do when i see my wife is hug her and hold her till we can't anymore which might be for a very very long time then im gonna kiss her "

" then have some fun "

" no then hug my sons well ill probably hug all three of them cause they fit just right in my arms "

" i bet that must feel nice "

" it sure does, what are you gonna do when you get home "

" tell my mom how right she is then apologise to my dad cause I've been an ass to him "

" well that sounds like a good plan "

" thanks man its so easy to talk to you just like a brother which I don't have cause i have 3 sisters who are all bigger then me "

" you're welcome "

" anyways gonna go see whats in here " he says getting up and showing me the first picture which doesn't do much to me cause i have the most beautiful women right at home.

I sigh and lay back on the bench i unzip my little pocket right on the side of the jacket.... where's the picture omg where is it it's supposed to be here, i can't have lost it not this one.

I get up and try looking around me maybe it fell i have to find it i just have too.

I must have been looking for hours now i even went outside and i lost it " FUCK THIS BULLSHIT !!! " i scream kicking a door open i sound crazy but this picture was the only thing that could calm me down it got me thru it all before and now i lost it.

Ugh i need to get myself back in control it's only a picture, but it was the best.

I wanna go back inside but an explosion goes off and I'm thrown back meters away.


I had to write this one cause its been in my head all day, with of course a little cliffhanger 😏😘

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