Day at the beach

170 11 5

( Harrison's POV )

She is still sleeping time for my little plan i know she will love it it's been a long long time but we could use this day.

One arm goes under her knees and one under her neck i slowly lift her up, o no she's gonna wake up i can feel it.
Damnit she's up, her eyes blink " Harrison what, what are you doing "

" bringing you to the car "

" put me down ! " she says slapping my chest " not yet " i say as we reach the front door
" put me down now , but stop at the bathroom first "

We stop to the bathroom then i make my way with her to the car i run back insides and go take henry who is still sleeping i have all the bags ready i throw them in the car and go sit down, carrie is looking at me like i just robbed a bank

" what are you doing, what has gotten into your little head there " she say with two fingers pointing at my forehead

" you will love it trust me " i say kissing her

" ok fine but do you have everything cause I'm getting hungry here "

I sigh and get the bag behind me with all the food possible and give it to her now that she is 8 month along she really eats more it's scary how much food can go in such a small body but anyways we should get going.

During the one hours and half of driving she just wouldn't stop asking where we we're going even Henry wouldn't stop those two are gonna drive me crazy if i didn't love them this much i would have left them at the side of the road. But we are here and they can finally see for themselves.

" aww Harrison this is a great idea " she says as she wraps her arms around me as we see Henry start to walk on the sand

" you know i haven't been to beach in ages "

" well last time, we were together remember "

" o yeah our second date well it was a long time ago "

" 6 years ago "

I kiss her and we start walking to join Henry who is already building something even tho it's the first time ever he comes to the beach. It's good for us Carrie can fully relax and enjoy this family moment.

" now that's a much better view " she says as i strip down in my swimsuit she has hers already on and so does henry

" well this view is gonna go for a swim, wanna join me water is good for you now you won't feel like your legs are gonna break "

She nods and i offer to help her get up we walks slowly to the water it's a little chilly as we get in but it feels nice i almost forget henry but leave Carrie for a second and go grab my son he doesn't want to leave his castle but ones we hit the water he starts laughing.

" hold me ok daddy "

" i wont let go " i reply to him as a take Carrie's hand and we walk deeper into the water soon the water is at the middle of her stomach and that's where she stops i crouch down, henry holds even tighter to me as the waves go over his shoulders

" daddy !"

" don't worry honey it's just water "

" he never did this before, henry its ok it's fun look " she says splashing water on my face henry does the same as he releases his grip on me and splashes water all over us but screams when water hit his eyes, me and Carrie can't help but laugh which makes him stop crying and start laughing his face all wet.

" is fun mommy "

" yeah it is you see nothing to cry about " she said disappearing completely under the water henry looked at me in horror when her head popped back up and he almost jumped in her arms

" this felt so good wanna try henry "

She ask but henry doesn't look to sure about it " hold your nose honey " she says as he puts both his hand on his nose and mouth they both disappeared under water and when they came back up Henry all but screamed with a shocked face but laughed at the same time " again mommy ! "

They did it a few more times until henry asked to try and swim never have done that Carrie gave me a look but she doesn't have to worry ill catch him.

As she lets go of him it's like he knows what he has to do and starts kicking with his feet but his head stays under the water i catch him quickly but he wants me to let go he puts his head back under water and i do the same, Im not sure but somehow it looks like his eyes are open i can see him smile and he tries reaching for me his face is so close to mine he is definitely looking at me.

After almost an hour in the water it's start to get a little cold the three of us get out i help carrie walk as Henry runs ahead of us and jumps on the towels.

" he likes it right " i ask her

" yeah look at him he hasn't stopped smiling "

I smile and help her sit down she looks exhausted and I'm feeling hungry so it's time to eat.

Im trying to make sure that Henry sandwich doesn't fall in the sand and that he eats it as some jam falls on his stomach and there we go it fell in the sand

" no no no henry don't eat that "

" why "

" its full of sand " i take the little piece and throw it to some birds a little further away, i turn to Carrie to see her with her eyes closed under the umbrella a hand on her large bump its good she resting and enjoying herself today.

" daddy i put sand on you "

I knew he would want to burry me and it could be funny so i lay flat on the sand and he starts covering me all over it takes him quite some time due to his little hands every time he passes near my head he kisses my forehead

" i no put sand on you head daddy "

" no not on the head but you can go till my neck "

" neck " he says pointing at his own

" yeah not higher then that ok "

" ok daddy "

After adleast 45 minutes later and Im completely covered and henry is sitting on me having fun with putting his finger in my nose his laugh wakes up Carrie

" what on earth did happen , was daddy bad and you had to keep him calm "

" yeah mommy "

I can feel the sand in my swimsuit now and it's scratching my ass honestly i need to get out of this trap a move my arms and pic my son up and run with him to the water.

We are so full of sand it almost looked like we pooped in our shorts.

After a while he's just running naked around the beach and he seems to enjoy it allot as i sit with Carrie leaning against my chest

" i could see you run like that to " she says laughing i start laughing with her

" well i could tonight "

" i hold you too that "

As the day comes to an and we watch the sunset disappearing in the horizon i kiss carrie getting up and helping her stand everything is packed and we're ready to go.

Were back home and it feels nice to hit the covers. My head on that soft pillow and my beautiful wife next to me

" your face is burned sweetie " she says touching my cheek and right under my eye

" yeah and so are my shoulders "

" it looks cute though you look like an innocent little boy "

" Im gonna show you innocent " i say kissing her neck as she starts laughing


So I've had like allot of time on my hands so i could write which is nice.
Hope this was cute and fluffy 😘😘

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