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" James get up " Henry said pushing his brothers arm to wake him up. " come on sleepy head "

James groaned and turned around almost slapping his brothers face in the process.
" we're gonna wake mom and dad and ask them to go to the zoo "

The word zoo got James's attention and the little 5 year old opened his eyes and quickly turned around. " ok let's go "

Both brothers moved from James bedroom to their parents, henry gently opened the door, and they both quietly tiptoed into the room.

They both climbed on the bed trying not to squish any legs. What they didn't see is that both their parents had heard them walk in the room and were planning on attacking their son's ones they would jump on the bed.

" ok ready " Henry whispered as they both stood on the bed. James nodded and both were about to jump when the blanket came crushing down on them and both were tickled from all sides.

" sttoooppp " Henry was trying to say as Harrison kept on tickling him.

" mom I'm gonna pipi if you... aaahh if you keep tickling " James screamed as Carrie stopped and pulled the blanket off her son's.

" we got you well, didn't we " carrie said doing a high five with Harrison.

" yeah we sure did " he added and watched both his son's try to breath.

" how did you know " Henry asked still feeling like he had to laugh.

" well you two are not very quiet " Carrie said taking James in her arms " and you sir sound like an elephant when you walk " she said putting him down so he could run to the toilet, she could see he had to go.

" why did you attack us like this " Harrison asked wrapping his son back in the blanket.

" because we wanted to ask you to go to the zoo today, remember we never went and you promised us we would, and we should take James and Hannah with us " he said with only his head popping out from the blankey

" did Pauline say yes " Carrie asked seeing James make his way back to the room.

" yeah well i told martin yesterday at school and he said he was gonna ask her and he also wanted Hannah to come with us " henry said hoping his parents understood.

" i don't see why we couldn't go, its a beautiful day outside and it will be fun spending it in family " Harrison said looking at Carrie.

"'True and it will be our first time "


Arriving at the zoo Carrie thought her head was gonna explode, the trip had started really well until the kids had all started shouting and playing games that didn't go to smoothly especially with James and Henry.

Harrison parked the car and turned around to talk to the kids " ok guys now that we're here everyone be extra nice, no yelling no hitting , and you stay with us there's no running around, understood " he said and the 4 nodded quietly.

With henry and Martin leading the way Hannah in her stroller James in his, because Carrie knew he wouldn't walk through all the zoo, the 6 of them made their way to the entrance of the park.

Harrison bought the tickets and they walked in getting a picture taken with the zoo mascot, pip the toucan, Hannah thought he looked ugly and scary so she didn't wanna take picture but they took one anyways. After that Harrison took a card of the park. " ok guys one more thing especially you two big guys " he said pointing at both Martin and Henry. " if someone gets lost, you comme back here at the entrance, if you forgot the way just ask a person that works in the park, ok "

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