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All carrie wanted was to scream and rip that goddamn dress apart, she might have tried 10 different dresses, none of them fit perfectly one didn't even pass over her baby bump, it was larger now and she hated wearing anything apart from her husband's clothes who were comfortable and large.

She sigh trying on the next dress, she felt stupid, ugly and fat. She looked at herself in the mirror and sigh again.

" how is it " she heard both James and Harrison ask her as they sat on a bench outside the fitting room.

" i look ugly and it's tight around my stomach, i hate it " she said and jumped from Harrison head popping out the curtains.

" yeah no the color looks weird, yellow is bad, change it " he said and disappeared again.

She quickly took of her dress off and looked at the last one she had to try on. She already liked the nice light blue colour and the length, all she hoped is that it would fit.

She put it on and smiled, that was the one, not tight at all. It was loose and the material was soft.

" ok i think this is the one " she said opening the curtains to reveal herself. Harrison's jaw dropped at the sight of his wife.

" so how's this one " she asked making a funny walk towards her boys.

" lookin good ma " James said with a small nod.

" you look amazing " Harrison stated and winked.

She turned in a little circle to show the back of the dress. " the back is way to open " she heard Harrison say and felt both his hands on her shoulders. " way to sexy for a mother " he whispered making her giggle.

" someone jealous other men will look " she whispered back as they both slowly walked back to the fitting room.

" nope but it almost shows your ass, unless you're gonna wear something over that dress, you're not taking that one " he said going with her in the fitting room.

" why not, Im really comfortable in it, we're both happy about this dress " she said putting both her hands on her belly. " it's two against one "

" ok fine, but if i see anyone look at you i swear to god i won't shut my mouth " he said raising his eyebrows.

" you are jealous, that's cute, but this dress goes home with me " she laughed tapping his cheek and pushed him out the fitting room.


There they were in the car looking at all the guests entering the church, people were dressed so nicely and looked so fancy. James looked at himself in one off the rear view mirror and adjusted his tie a little. 

The three of them got out and entered the church, James hated those things but had to join his parents.

Harrison was walking with Carrie to greet his friend frank who was sitting at the front of the church.

" harry holly shit you actually showed up " frank all but shouted upon seeing his old friend. Both men hugged for a while then laughed.

" you look old, older, how you been " frank asked

" Im great thanks, how are you "

" nervous as hell, i mean marrying your daughter can be stressful " frank said with a giggle

" well i wouldn't know cause i have sons and that's my second and my wife " Harrison answered moving to the side to let frank see James and Carrie.

" well i marry my daughter and you're having a baby congrats "

After talking a little more about there life's they all went to sit down so the wedding could start. Carrie was holding on tight to Harrison's hand and tried not to cry as the priest started talking. 

For James it took forever he kept moving and banging his feet on the bench. The priest was about to say something about vows when both Harrison and Carrie looked at eachother.

" did you feel that " Harrison said with a big bright smile.

" well it's about time " Carrie said feeling another small kick.

Harrison smiled and again and kissed her temple. Carrie smiled and looked over to James " give me your hand " she asked as he gave her his hand.

" holly shit is that.... " James asked amazed at what he was feeling, Carrie nodded and smiled " wow this feels really weird, does it hurt "

" nha don't worry it doesn't hurt at all " she said and gave her attention back to the wedding.

Carrie could still feel both her husband's and son's hand on her stomach, as if they were both protecting her.

Soon everyone was clapping at the newlyweds and everyone followed them out of the church.

" you didn't cry " Harrison said as they walked back to the car.

" nope i didn't " carrie answered.

After the church everyone was to be headed at the brides parents house, that
was where the party would be held.


A lot of people were already at the house when the three of them arrived.  " we're not staying to long right " James asked already annoyed by the amount of people and the music.

" there's free food, and no we won't stay late, these are friends of your father " Carrie said linking arms with her son. " so we'll stay a little while and when we're bored we'll leave "  she added and just saw her son roll his eyes.

After the buffet was open everyone was eating and talking, slow music was playing, that's when the father of the bride decided to make toast.

" first of all I'd like to thank everyone for being here on this wonderful day,....  "

So frank started his speech and got almost all women to tear up at the things he had to tell his daughter.

Harrison looked at Carrie and had to laugh when he saw her wipe her tears away. But he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her head.

After the speech both bride and groom when on the dance floor to open the ball. Carrie took Harrison hand and dragged him over to dance with her.

" we haven't danced in a long time " Harrison whispered and looked around them, he spotted James asking a girl to dance with him.

" well it's not like we get time to dance at home " she laughed resting her head against her husband's chest and smiled.

They slow danced a little while longer until Carrie had to sit down.  She had seen the few chocolate desserts at the buffet and asked Harrison to get her one of each he knew she would like. While Harrison was making her a plate she watched James dance with a girl, he looked nervous and danced awkwardly but she thought it was very cute.

" they didn't have any strawberries " she heard Harrison say as he sat back down with a plate full.

" that's alright didn't want any anyways " she replied and didn't wait one more second to start on her cakes. " mmm honey can you get me a milkshake or something like that " Carrie asked her mouth full.

" eemm.. and where do i get that "

" i don't know i just want one "

" are you sure you do cause last time you threw it all back up "

" both of us want a vanilla milkshake with a little bit of chocolate syrup " she said placing her hand on her stomach.

" fine ill go see what i can get you "


Is Harrison gonna find that milkshake carrie is craving for ??

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