I miss daddy

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( Carrie's POV )

" hey beautiful do you know how good you smell in the morning " i can hear Harrison say to me in that low morning voice he has when he has just woken up " hi " i say turning around and opening my eyes to see no one behind me " dreaming again " i say with a big sigh its only been 2 weeks he's gonna and i miss him so much already.

" MAMA !! " i hear James scream can he scream any louder he'll wake up Henry and Henry needs his sleep ever since Harrison left he hasn't been sleeping very well and it bothers me " MAMA !! " he wont stop screaming until im there actually standing in his room, i get up and walk to his room when i come in he's all smiling at me the little devil he knows exactly how to play with me and he is enjoying it " good morning baby " i say kissing his forehead and picking him up, he really is starting to get heavy but his chubby face and body look so cute you could eat him so i don't care much, " you wanna go eat " i ask but he nods no and rests his head on my chest as he sucks his thumb . He raises his head quickly back up making a pop sound as he takes his thumb from his mouth " mama " he says pointing at Henrys bedroom on the other side of the hall " you wanna go to Henry " i ask him as he nods yes " ok sure but don't wake him up " i say quietly as he nods yes.

We enter Henry's room but he is not sleeping he is just staring at the ceiling he then turns his gaze to me i smile " good mornings sweetie " i hope he's alright usually when he's up he comes to our room and climbs on the bed with us but he didn't that today

" mommy can we make pancake "  i hear him ask as he gets up on his bed and i sit down to hug him as james hugs him too
" sure we can "

" and we make some fo when daddy come back "

" yeah we will do that " i say picking him up, holding the two of them isn't easy and im not as strong as Harrison it looks so easy when he does it but seeing Henry's sad little face its the least i can i want my son to be happy i wanna see him smile and laugh, i hate it when he is down it usually only happens when he's sick but he isn't sick right now and i know exactly why he is this way.

The three of us are in the kitchen preparing the pancakes henry was a really good help " what kind do i make now " i ask Henry who's sitting on the counter next to me

" a heart " he says all smiling, there's that smile i love so much
" a heart it is sweetie " im actually getting better at making shapes in pancake and its fun.

I'm looking at both my sons devouring the pancakes full of maple sirup thank god i took James's shirt of cause his chest is full of sirup so is his face how does this 1 year old always gets food everywhere its even in his hair " you're a dirty little boy James " i say and hear henry laugh as his blue eyes look at me, I've always wondered how he has blue eyes but they look gorgeous and thank god James has for now green cause no one wants to have brown like mine even though Harrison says i have the most beautiful eyes, he always makes me blush when he says that but then again his hazel ones are beautiful too and they make me melt.

" mommy can i go play " Henry asks me as he takes in his last bite of pancake

" yeah you can go "

He gets of the chair and i can see him run to the living room where all his toys are well half of it the rest is in his room.

My face is suddenly splashed on with maple sirup i knew it wouldn't take long since James would start playing with his food " no " i say to him and grab both his little hand, he protests and screams but i know him and now he starts crying how typical " we told you not to play with your food, didn't daddy tell you "
He frowns and looks at me and nods yes, he knows he can't do that, i try cleaning it off of him a little i pick him up and put him down " go play with Henry " i say to him he screams laughing and runs away.

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now