Im here for you

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Coming back of their little weekend for their birthday marriage, Harrison was telling carrie how he would go see the officer like he had told her. She agreed it was a good idea.

They arrived at her parents to pick the boys and were back on their way home.

" so how was the weekend with grandma and grandpa " Carrie asked turning around to look at her son's eating candy.

" we went fishing with grandpa and it was really fun, i even catch a big one " Henry said smugly.

" that's great sweetheart, and what about you James " she asked watching James sticking his lolly pop to his cheek.

" i catch the fish of grampa and i throw it back in the water" he answered

" what did grandpa say "

" he say, why you do this James " James said imitating his grandpa being a little mad at him. " and i say that fishy have to live, but then he catch it again and we eat the fishy " he explained

Arriving home a half hour later, Harrison dropped Carrie and the kids and was back on the road to drive till the police station.
When he walked into the station and asked to talk with the officer, being told he was in a meeting Harrison waited outside of his office for adleast an hour. He eventually fell asleep.

" ah mister Ford nice to see you again " he heard the officer say and opened his eyes.

" hello sir " he said shacking the man's hand.

" what's the purpose of your visit today " he asked as they both walked into the office. " please sit down "

" well the reason i came here was to ask you if you could tell me where Martin is the little boy you took with you "

" ah yes him, well Its a sad story "

" what do you mean by that "

" you see when we brought him here and asked him some questions he told us everything that happened to him over the years " he said lighting his cigare

" and where is he "

" we put him in a foster house at first but a week later we got a call from one of the women working there saying Martin had threatened some kids, he also hit them. "

" i don't believe you, he's a sweet kid "

" look he's lost his parents, his father was very abusive, Its only normal he does this " he said with a small smile

" LOOK ITS NOT NORMAL " Harrison shouted back hitting his fist on the table

" take it easy boy or i might as well arrest you " the officer laughed putting his cigare in the ashtray, Harrison watched him look for something behind him, when he turned back around he handed Harrison a small card " that's where you'll find the boy "

Harrison took a good look at the card " the crazy house "

" it was the only thing we could do "

" he's a child, a child " Harrison said trying to keep calm

" he was getting dangerous " the officer replied angrily and watched Harrison storm out of his office.

" bunch of assholes " Harrison said getting back into his car, he was furious now " i gotta go there " he said driving away.

Arriving at the psychiatric facility he felt kinda weird, he walked through the yard with all those people around him with those white and blue robes , it send a weird kinda chill to his spine. He then arrived to a door and was greeted by two nurses.

I'll be back home soon Where stories live. Discover now