PART 5 CAMPING TRIP (the canoe trip something happens)

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I walked into the tent and saw Bella sleeping. I thought about what we talked about. I decided it was time for us to take our camping trip down the river. I decided to go back out of the tent and get everything thing ready. I made sure stuff was locked up that we weren't taking. I packed the canoe with what we would need.

I grabbed the smaller tent and sleeping bags coolers and other things.
I finally laid down next to Bella and fell asleep.


I woke up with Edward arm wrapped around my waist. I didn't want to move. It felt safe and good to have him close. "Good morning beautiful." I smiled when he said that. I rolled over to face him. "You need glasses." I giggled. "Are you ever going to stop telling me that?" He asked me. I smiled and say, "nope!"

I pressed my lips to his, we open our mouths just enough to explore our mouths. I started to feel those warm fuzzy feeling again and I deepen the kiss I guess a little too much. Edward pulled away.

I didn't realize what I was doing. "Umm,Bella breath and what was that about?" He asked me. "Honestly I really don't know." I told him. He just stared at me for a moment. "I got the canoe packed for a river trip and we can do what you want to do. Camp along the river." I gasped.

"You hear that timber were going on a canoe trip." I smiled. I'm going to take a shower before we go." I told him. As Edward walked out he had said. "Let's just hope this time she doesn't tip over the canoe." I don't think I was suppose to hear him say that.

"I heard that Edward. If I remember right it was your fault I tipped the canoe over." I giggled thinking back.


My dad and uncle Mikey was in one canoe we were all paired in two's in the canoes. Of course I got stuck with Edward. I had my back to him paddling the canoe. The next thing I knew I felt water on me. "Edward I stop splashing water at me, if I was you." I had told him.

He kept doing it. I stood up slowly turned around and faced him, with my hands on my waist. "Edward Anthony Mason Cullen I had asked you to stop." I told him. He had a smirk on his face. Then it was gone in an instant. "Umm, Bella you might want to sit down." He told me.

"Why so you can splash me with more water?" I asked him. "Umm, no actually before we hit.." He didn't get a chance to finish because the canoe tipped over and I fell in the water."

                             == END OF MEMORY==

I smiled remembering it. I get my stuff ready for my shower and hobble to the shower. Timber laid by the shower, after that day that guy was in the campsite that we were at Timber always lays by the shower now.

I thought about the kiss from this morning. I really don't know what came over me, I just felt at that moment that I wanted more of Edward and wanted him closer. The warm fuzzy feeling I had all over just was so different and that's when I wanted more of Edward.

I just don't understand what is going on with me. I was taken out of my thought when I got that feeling again like I did at the other campsite.
I look around. But I know Edward wouldn't watch me, this is different. It was creeping me out. I hurried and dried off and just wrapped myself in the towel and just hobble over to the tent as fast as I could.

"Bella are you alright?" Edward asked me. "Yeah can you just grabbed my stuff from the shower please." I lied to him I just hurried and got dressed. I brush my hair out and just left it down today and put my baseball cap on. I hobble out of tent not paying attention and bumped right into Edward. I about fell, but Edward wrapped his arms around my waist to stop me.

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