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I sat on the bed thinking. I couldn't believe in a few days I was finally getting married. I was taken out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Come in." Charlie open up the door. "Are you about packed up?" Charlie asked me. "Yeah, dad I'm almost done." I told him.

"I can't believe my baby girl is all grown up and is getting married." Charlie tells me. Tears start falling from my eyes wishing that uncle Mikey could be there. "Bells what is it?" He asked me. "I just wish Uncle Mikey could be there. I really miss him." I told Charlie.

Charlie comes and sits down next to me. He takes my hand into his.
"I know he going to be right there watching you and he's very happy for you." He told me. I lean against Charlie and he wraps an arm around me. "I love you dad." I tell him. "I love you too Bells." He tells me.

We look up at my bedroom door when we hear someone knock. It was Jasper and Emmett. "Are we interrupting a father daughter moment?" Jasper asked. "We're down now." Charlie says. They start hauling stuff down. I'm taking my wedding dress over with me in my truck I don't trust no one with it.


I had to make a run to go pick up Mikey photo for the wedding. I was picking up a few other things. I took timber with me. I was picking up a gift for Bella. It was for her to open while she was getting ready for the wedding. Once I had gotten everything I had headed home. I think back to all that has happen along to where we are now.

We lasted through worse times, a long distance relationship, and death. We even broke up, because of my stupid screw up.


They finished loading my truck. I walk in my bedroom and just think about everything. There's been a lot of good times here. I grew up here. It's hard to believe. Alice and I had a lot of sleep over. To all the jumping on my bed, making tents and Alice doing make overs all the time on me.

I shake my head and just giggle on the thought of that. I grabbed my wedding dress and walked downstairs. Before I walked out of the door I had started having flashes of the day Uncle Mikey died.Tears fell from my eyes thinking of that. I finally shake my head and wipe my tears away.

I walk out the door and gently set my dress in my truck and get in my truck and drive off to Edward house. Once I get there Alice comes running out of the house and grabs my dress and takes it to the camper for me.

I watch Alice as she just hums away. I shake my head and just giggle. I walk in the house and head to Edward room. I decide to lean against the door frame and watch Edward. He has the radio on and I don't dance is on and he singing it. I smile remembering when he was singing it the jeep the one day and how he changed the lyrics to it.

I couldn't believe how far we come. Now look at us in just a few short days we will be married and I belong to him and him only. I will be Mrs. Edward Cullen. I know I will still have my battles to fight within me, but with Edward I know I can win these battles. "How long you been standing there?" Edward asked me. I smiled at him.

"Long enough!" I told him. He walks up to me. "Isabella Swan may I have this dance?" He asked me. Edward holds out his hand. "Yes you may Edward Cullen." I take his hand and he wraps his hands around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. We start dancing. I could dance with him like this for hours. Just to be in his arms and be this happy.

I do not own my characters in my story Stephanie Meyer does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book Oneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें