CAMPING TRIP PART 6 (dangerous path)

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I watched Bella walk off. Not answering my question. Usually she tells me I need glasses. Something changed but I liked this change. Even though she still haven't come to terms with her Uncle Mikey death yet. She acts like he still alive. Bella came back and sat in between my legs.

I kissed the top of her head. "So no comment to what I said to you?" I asked her. "Right now you make me feel beautiful." She told me. I smiled.


I was blushing when I told him that. I drank my coffee and leaned back on Edward. He took his hand and gently brushed it through my hair. "I know how I want to spend our honeymoon Edward." I was only thinking though. "Where's that Bella?" He asked kissing the top of my head. "Of course timber got to come with us, but I want to do a long canoe trip with you and camp like this. Of course it would have to be this river and we would have to start further up the river of course. What do you think?"

"I like the idea I guess our honeymoon is a camping trip down the river then." I turn around and ask with a smile, "Really? You're really going to let us do this for our honeymoon?" I asked him. "Bella this is one of the reasons I love you so much, because you can take something that's so fun and turn around and make it romantic in your own way."

"So that's a yes?" I asked him again "Yes, it's a yes Bella. Now all we need to do is picked the date." He told me. I sat back down because I wasn't sure how to ask him this, because in a way I wanted to be married to him now as corny as it sounded.

"Well, don't laugh at me Edward. But if I could I marry  you right now if I could. But I know that's not possible, but I know what is and I know our parents would go for it but I don't know about you. We graduated next year anyways. But if you want to and I know how I feel about you if at the end of June this year is alright with you then I'm for it. I know it's two months away and were only seventeen."

Edward stops me. I look up and see him crying. I turn and ask him, "Edward what's wrong?" He puts his hands on the the sides of face. "Isabella Marie Swan I would never laugh at you on that and yes if your sure and our parents our for it then yes." He told me.

"How about June 22nd then?" I asked him with a smile on my face. He said yes and pressed his lips to mine. I sat back down and leaned back against Edward. "You made me the happiest man, I hope you know that Bella Swan." I smiled. "I know that." I told him.

We decided to go up to the small falls just for a little get a way. We went swimming and just had fun. We got back before it got dark. Edward had made dinner and we talked about the wedding. We wanted an outdoor wedding, Alice would be my maid of honor and I would ask Rosalie to be a bridesmaids.

Edward was going to ask Jasper to be his best man and Emmett as a groomsmen because he down so much. Timber would be our ring bearer as corny as a dog doing, but the real reason was because we knew Timber was really Seth and we wanted him a part of it.

Now all we needed was a flower girl. Edward said he could probably get his cousin daughter to do it. "What are colors going to be?" Edward asked me. I smiled. "Midnight blue and maroon color or close to it our favorite colors of course." I told him.

"Alice is going to have a field day with this you know that don't you?" Edward said. "I know and I don't care she knows how to make everything perfect." I told him.

"I just realized something Edward and I thought about this to. I want you to finish your school year here and when school out I'll come up here and get prepared for the wedding. Then by the time the next school year comes around you can start fresh a whole new year." I told him.

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