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Tomorrow was our wedding and tonight the guys and I have to go to the trailer over by where the wedding will be at. I stood there watching Bella with her baby brother Michael. I couldn't help but think some day Bella would be holding our child. I couldn't help but put a smile on my face.

Bella looked up at me and smiled. It's been awhile since I seen her this happy. I don't know what she was saying to brother but he turned his head when she pointed at me. He put a big smile on his face. He turned back to Bella and she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

She got up and walked up to me and stop just in front of me. "You look so happy!" I told her. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "It's because of you Edward Cullen. Tomorrow I become yours!" She said. I looked at her confused. "I thought you were already mine Isabella Swan?" I asked her.

She smiled and stepped closer. "I mean I become yours forever and always. That makes me the happiest person in the whole world." She told me. I raised my hand and cupped the side of her face. "Do you know how much I love you?" I asked her. We looked into each other eyes. "Why don't you tell me." She told me.

"Your everything to me Bella. I love you more than anything." I told her as I bent down and touched my lips to her. We were interrupted by Charlie clearing his throat. Bella moaned in irritation. I laughed. Bella turned around and faced Charlie. "Edward can we talk a moment please?" He asked. "Dad behave, don't shoot Edward down the night before my wedding." She said being funny. "Oh, Bells come on what do you think I'm really going to do make this a shot gun wedding?" He asked her.

"Knowing you, I wouldn't put it past you." She told him. "It was a thought at one time, just to get you two together!" He said. I held back a smile "DAD!" She yelled out. Charlie let out a laugh. Charlie and I took a walk. "Edward I have no doubt in my mind you will make my daughter very happy. But I needed to talk to you alone for another reason. I just got a phone call about Riley and I wasn't about to say anything in front of Bella." He told me.

"What is it?" I asked him nervously. "Well Scott called me about 20 minutes ago. He had to put under covers out by the entrance. Riley has been seen in Forks." He told me.

I took my hand and ran it through my hair. "Why is he doing this to her?" I asked. "I really don't know. But when I question Tanya after you and Bella told me she talked to him. She told me Riley was like abscessed with Bells. Edward he stalking her and I'm afraid he won't stop until he get Bells or kills her. I've seen this before in my line of work. Edward promise me you'll protect Bella on your honeymoon, please and be careful. I will meet you at the pick up stops for supplies liked planned. But please watch yourself. Make sure you have that shotgun close." He explained to me.

"I promise, I will do everything I possibly can to protect Bella." I told him. He puts his hand on my shoulder. "I know you will Edward. Now let's get back before my daughter thinks I really did do something to you." He said.  I laughed as we walked back.


I went back to my brother Michael. I sat Michael on my lap. "Tomorrow going to be a very big day for everyone. Including you Michael. You get to dress up in a nice tux that Alice bought you. I bet you'll look so handsome tomorrow." I told him. I have a close bond with my baby brother Michael, that I didn't know I would have now. When my mom told me she was pregnant and told me I had to go live her to help her. I was angry that this child before he was born took me away from everything I ever knew and loved.

Then it all changed when Riley tried to hurt mom and Michael inside her stomach that's when it changed. I was going to everything I could to protect my mother and Michael from Riley. Then when I helped my mom give birth and I held him when he came out into this world. I was going to make sure I was the best big sister I could be to Michael.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now