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                  Bella pov

I ran up to Alice and gave her a big hug. "I missed you so much." We both said it at the same time. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Cullen.

"Now Bella, how many
times did we tell you to call us by our first name." Carlisle said. I gave them both a hug. Then I walked up to Uncle Mikey. "You look terrible." I give him a hug. "I take it dad couldn't take time off." Uncle Mikey shook his head.

Rosalie said "Lets all go to the truck stop and eat. We all agree. Edward walked up behind me and held out his arm. "Shall we?" He ask. I said yes. I took his arm and we all got into cars and headed to the truck stop.

Once we got to the truck stop my mom walked up to me and whispered to me.

"You like your surprise?" I looked up at her wide eyed and Emmett. "So wait you knew to mom?" She shook her head. "Yes, honey. Emmett came to me and we talked so Emmett I set up to where they could stay at the house for the week. After you guys eat I get to go home with you. I just wish your dad could of got some time off of work to come see you." I smiled the biggest smile.

"It's the perks of being the Chief of police mom you don't get a lot time off and if you want time off like that, you have to do months in advance." I gave my mom a big hug. "Mom thank you. I love you." She hugged me back to. " I love you too, now go be with your friends." I turned and walked back over to them.

I first walked over behind Emmett and hugged him again. Then went and sat down next to Edward and Alice. Alice and I squealed when we looked at each other. We looked at Rosalie and looked at each again and said at same time.

"Shopping trip." Edward tapped my arm. "Umm, Bella you hate shopping." I giggled. "I know but I miss my sister and we are kidnapping Rosalie tomorrow to go with us." Rosalie, turned her head and her mouth drop. "You're, doing what Bella, oh no your not." I nod my head yes. "If I'm going to be shopping with Alice all day you're going with me Rosalie, I'm not going to be tortured alone." Everyone but me and Rosalie started to laugh.

We all sat there ate and talked for awhile. I looked around the table. I have new friends and I have my long time friends family here and of course my Uncle Mikey. This is what I needed right now, at the right time. Edward took me out of my thoughts when he whispered in my ear. "Penny for your thoughts?" I turned and he was so close to me our lips were inches apart. It has been so long since we even this close much less kiss. I blushed and I backed away a little. "I was just thinking how this was the right time that I needed this to happen."

Edward, smiled my favorite smile I loved so much. I smiled back. I was actually nervous about being around him again. I wanted to feel his lips on mine again. But after what Riley did to me, it also kind of scares me.
I ended up so deep in thought again that I didn't realize it. "Bella, we're leaving." Edward was standing up. He reached his hand out for mine. I took it of course. We went out to the cars.

Edward got into my car and everyone else got into difference one. I told everyone I will catch up with them that I needed to talk to Edward first. They said okay, and understood. I got in and drove off.

"So, where we going Bella?" I turn and look at him just for a quick second. "I wasn't lying, I do need to talk to you alone and you will see when we get there."

I took him to a park that had a wooded area a pond and a path that lead to it. "Follow me." Edward gave me a confused look. I got out of the car and started to walk. I was wondering how he was going to take what I was going tell him. But I did tell Seth I would talk to Edward. If I had to make this Seth dying wish then I will.

"Bella, wait up." Edward reached for my hand and I jumped and pulled away. Edward looked at me confused and concerned. I put my hands in my pocket until we were almost on the other side of the pond by the woods where I knew no one will see or hear us.

Fighting to get my life back!  Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now